Blog Post Archive

ALL PUBLIC POSTS‒ Starting with Latest Posts
The Prophetic Link Between BUTLER & Trump’s BIBLELESS Inauguration
Lynmarie connects a prophetic dream about the absence of Secret Service protection to a powerful Holy Spirit revelation—bringing clarity to her concerns about President Trump’s rushed swearing-in and omission of placing his hand on the Bible. This insight unfolded after she sought the Lord’s guidance on whether the location of Trump’s assassination attempt held prophetic implications.
WITCH’S BLACKBIRD BLACKOUT: Fulfilled World Affairs Prophetic Dream
Lynmarie’s first interview with Antonio Rios explores two dream scenes predicting the pandemic months before its manifestation, exploring its origin, and ultimately assuring that “It will be OK.” These dreams reveal God’s perspective on this worldwide ordeal and that its source is demonic. Diving deep into the dream elements also helps develop interpretation skills. 25-minute video.
PANDAMONIUM COMING TO DC: Prophetic Dream Fulfillment Is On The Horizon
In Lynmarie’s first interview with Antonio Rios, he shares a 2024 dream which Lynmarie helps breakdown. The dream prophecies pandemonium for US government officials as they metaphorically flee for their lives, hoping to escape exposure from “pieces being put together.” This will be of no avail as the sanctuary they run to will not withstand the elements.
Top 5 Prophetic Dream Elements Depicting the HOLY SPIRIT
We know that the Holy Spirit creates and sends prophetic dreams. And it makes sense that at times, the Holy Spirit appears in those dreams. But are we recognizing the Spirit of God in our dreams? Because the Holy Ghost typically shows up camouflaged as something or someone else. In this video, Lynmarie reveals what she considers the top 5 ways the Spirit is disguised within our dreams.
Top 10 Dream Elements Depicting the Holy Spirit- Part 1
Did you know that the Holy Spirit shows up in our dreams camouflaged as something or someone else? In this and the next post, Lynmarie shares 10 of the most common and surprising ways the Holy Spirit is depicted in prophetic dreams, counting down from #10. Real-life dream examples and testimonies help authenticate the content.
The Many Faces of Jesus in Prophetic Dreams- Part 2
Because “parabolic” symbolism is God’s default language for prophetic dreams, Jesus typically appears incognito in these revelatory dreams. In this video, Lynmarie continues sharing some of the professionals that may be depicting Jesus in our dreams. In the first of this series on the Many Faces of Jesus in Prophetic Dreams, she covered about half of these. Here we have the rest.. Including the most common and the most important.
The Many Faces of Jesus in Prophetic Dreams- Part 1
Did you know that Jesus might be appearing incognito in some of your prophetic dreams.. that is, disguised as someone else? Though Jesus does at times show up in dreams without disguise‒ most of the time, he arrives camouflaged as a professional of some sort. In this video, Lynmarie begins sharing about 20 professionals that he may be depicting Jesus.
4 Prophetic Signs of an UPCOMING VICTORY
Hoping for a breakthrough or victory? Lynmarie’s latest video reveals four prophetic signs which indicate an upcoming victory. Discover how these 4 prophetic categories signal upcoming triumph for you. Whether one of these comes in a dream, a prophetic knowing, or a prophetic sign.. if the message is confirmed, you’re being divinely told to fight.
Oct 2020 Dream Prophesied 2020 & 2024 ELECTION OUTCOMES & More
Revisit 3 of my prophetic election-related dreams. A 2020 dream revealed the 2024 election winner, as well as Trump to be temporarily set aside while Joe Biden would be sworn-in in 2021. 2016 dream showed Hillary’s struggle to remain unexposed, as well as the description of next woman to run for president (fufilled 8 years later). 3rd dream depicted what the Trump 2024 victory would look like.
FROM THE STREETS OF AURORA: Pastor’s 10 20 24 High Impact Prophetic Word
I took this picture of the Aurora Rally Disprupters myself on 10 11 24. This video shares the prophetic words of a Pastor in Aurora, Colorado. Pastor Steven Cartwright, of The Refuge of Denver, an Aurora Colorado church, preached from I Kings 19 where Elijah had fled from Queen Jezebel and met the Lord there at a cave. The prophecy addresses a shift in both national and spiritual leadership that you won’t want to miss.
Prophetic Dream from a Washington state physician in 2019 not only predicted the upcoming PANDEMIC, but an exponentially larger Wave of Destruction to specifically hit the USA. See how this prophetic dream also prophesies a coming American Redemption! Could this be speaking of the 2020 election & the outcome of the Nov 5, 2024 election?
Don’t miss Lynmarie’s captivating personal account of the open vision she received prophesying the next US president at the time. Learn how this life-changing event opened her eyes to the Voice of the Holy Spirit. Hear the reasons she believes she was informed in advance of this historic presidential outcome while the rest of the world sat on pins and needles.
Curious if God can reveal Presidential election outcomes? Consider Lynmarie’s insights as she discusses this possibility and the biblical foundation for such revelations. Convinced that ordinary believers can receive extraordinary divine insight about world events, she announces her upcoming series which will revealing just such dreams sent from the Holy Spirit.
From Pickles to Presidents: Small & Far-Reaching Secrets Revealed
Curious about whether we can receive divine insights into world affairs as well as personal dilemmas? Lynmarie shares a testimony of receiving prophetic dreams addressing not only her personal matters, but surprisingly, even global events including 4 Presidential election outcomes. Join her as she shares a crazy but accurate prophetic dream.
Is God Ever Small? A Prophetic Dream Testimony
Join Lynmarie as she delves into how God speaks into our lives, even in the tiniest of matters. With decades of experience helping dreamers worldwide, she shares a captivating dream testimony of her husband’s, showcasing the profound wisdom and guidance hidden within our dreams, and the humorous ways God speaks. Enlightening and inspiring. Part 1 of 2.
YOU’VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE: My Prophetic Dream Journey
In this video, Lynmarie shares her transformative journey from dismissing dreams to experiencing deliverance, and then becoming a seasoned dream interpreter. You will find her explanation‒ as to how and why she believes that her take on dreams and her dream dictionary is accurate‒ to be relevant, enlightening, and convincing.
Decoding American Sports in Prophetic Dreams
Ever dream of playing football, basketball, or baseball? Or watching these games? Lynmarie is back with insights into what these sports mean in prophetic dreams. Having helped dreamers worldwide, she delves into the symbolism of these popular sports in dreams. Join her as she decodes the messages behind these powerful dream elements. Don’t miss it!
Curious about what dancing in your dreams might mean? Lynmarie explores the fascinating symbolism of dance in dreams. Whether you’re a dancer, lover of dance, or just dream of dancing.. discover the deeper meanings behind these joyful, expressive visions. Don’t miss her latest video that offers insights that could transform how you see your dreams!
What Makes YOU SO SPECIAL That God Would Tell You Stuff?
Ever feel misunderstood when you mention God told you something? Lynmarie’s latest video dives into this experience and offers valuable insights. Included are reasons God speaks to us, how to tap into this spiritual gift, and how to increase receiving God-given dreams. Perfect for those seeking to understand more about why some people seem to hear more from God than others.
Are Sign-Seekers Wicked & Adulterous?
Discover the truth about Matthew 16:4 in Lynmarie’s latest video. Using hermeneutical principles, she delves into the misunderstood verse, revealing its deeper meaning and addressing common misconceptions about seeking signs and miracles. Learn why Jesus’ message might not condemn today’s believers in miracles as many think.
Dressed to Kill: A Prophetic Testimony
Enjoy Lynmarie’s impromptu testimony of prophetic dreams guiding her and her husband in one season of their lives. One dream simply showed her wearing a ridiculous dress. Another series of dreams depicted what was coming as tornados. And finally, a dream urging her to “wipe the dust off her feet,” with couple of aspects of the outcome thought-provoking. Testimony that can’t be ignored.
Hamburger, Hummingbird & Helicopter Dreams: Not Prophetic?
Ever wondered whether dream elements NOT found in the Bible can be included in God-given dreams? And if so, why? Here, Lynmarie explores prophetic dream symbolism beyond scriptural elements like seeds, fish, bread & sheep. With scripture reference & insightful interpretations of actual dreams, this video offers a fresh perspective on divine guidance in modern life.
Prophetic Dreams: The Wild Card in the Playing Cards of Life
Lynmarie shares insights on accessing “wild cards” through prophetic dreams. Offering a real-life example of their profound impact, she challenges believers to navigate life’s complexities not only with faith, but also with increased divine clarity. Discover how these supernatural messages, like “wild cards,” offer peace and strategic advantages in life’s challenges.
A Fresh Prophetic Word For INNER HEALING
Have you experienced trauma recently or in the past? Join Lynmarie as she shares a fresh prophetic word about the Holy Spirit’s healing power. Learn how to build spiritual fortifications and revisit painful memories with divine guidance. Discover simple, practical steps for emotional and spiritual restoration, inspired by a powerful dream. Embrace healing & prepare for what’s next.
Prophetic Dream Elements Linked to HEALING
Recently, Lynmarie received a fresh prophetic word on inner healing & restoration. In this video, she sets up the prophetic word by briefly sharing & explaining the dream elements included in the prophetic dream she received which brought the fresh instruction. Elements included are: the color blue, bricks, air, snakes and more. She will share the contents of the prophetic word itself in the next post.
A Key to Igniting Prophetic Power
Uncover a secret to igniting PROPHETIC POWER through this compelling testimony by Lynmarie. With decades of experience in prophetic ministry, Lynmarie shares a personal story that unveils the key to igniting the Holy Spirit’s fire. Discover what transforms a spark into a powerful flame, and learn how this revelation can enhance your spiritual journey.
Inspired & Calculated Risk-Taking: A Dreamer’s Best Friend
Join Lynmarie in exploring the essence of inspired risk-taking, as she draws parallels between the boldness of America’s Founding Fathers and our modern-day callings. Discover the intricacies of discerning divine inspiration coupled with embracing calculated risks. Uncover the transformative power of aligning with God’s will to fearlessly pursue your assignments dreams.
The Independence Story- An Inspiration
Explore the divine inspiration behind America’s founding documents and the bold, faith-driven actions of the Declaration of Independence signers. Lynmarie sets the stage for a compelling discussion on how calculated, God-inspired risk-taking led to extraordinary freedom. Don’t miss tomorrow’s deep dive into elevating your own boldness and living beyond your wildest dreams.
Dads with Multiple Children: How to Decode Them in Prophetic Dreams
Lynmarie unveils in detail two decoding tips, specifically applicable to dreaming parents of more than one child. The focus of this post is to shed light on an additional conundrum for parents of multiple children who dream. Learn to not only understand what your child symbolizes in that dream, but why this particular child is in the dream.
SECRET SERVICE DEBACLE Prophesied Months in Advance
Prophetic Dream Received by Lynmarie‒ Spring 2024 CAUTION: The SCENES in this dream (recieved on the same night) are HIGHLY SYMBOLIC and not to be taken literallty (although some dream elements may play out literally as well as figuratively when fulfilled). FYI: This...
My Husband, The Spirit of Suicide & Poor Old Job
Did you know that Job fell into suicidal ideation & that there is more than one demonic dream in scripture sent to God-fearing people? Lynmarie not only addresses these issues, but reveals some tell-tale signs of demonic dreams. By pairing Job’s descriptions of his demonic dreams (and their influence on him) with her husband’s incredible demonization, she unveils some important insight into an origin or suicide ideation.
My Encounter with a Demon Confirms Scripture
Can those with good intentions receive demonic dreams? Lynmarie delves into whether such dreams resonate with scripture or solely reflect personal encounters. By comparing a satanic dream from scripture with a hair-raising actual encounter with a demon, she comes to important conclusions about demonic dreams and manifestations.
Be Careful Who You Believe: A Demon May Be Talking
Discover the truth about whether believers can receive demonic dreams through scriptural as well as experiential evidence. Investigate a dream within the Bible exposed as satanic by Lynmarie. Take in the eerie details of her personal encounters with the demonic. Watch with caution as this compelling narrative reveals the potential dangers to distort truth and instill fear lurking in the unseen realm.
Jesus Loves Me This I Know: But What About the ARROWS BY NIGHT?
Curious about the biblical perspective on satanic dreams? This post explores whether such dreams align with scripture or stem only from personal experience. Drawing from Job, Acts, & Corinthians, she discusses the scope of Satan’s influence in the absence of restrictions, and whether there are actual examples of Satanic dreams in the Bible. Stick around for a deeper dive in the next 3 posts.
Making Sense of OUR CHILDREN in Prophetic Dreams
Parents who experience prophetic dreams tend to dream of their children frequently but are often confused as to what these dreams are meant to tell us. Lynmarie unveils 2 decoding tips to understand what our own children represent in prophetic dreams, because our children in our dreams can bring great prophetic insight if we understand who or what they’re symbolizing.
The Most Common PROPHETIC DREAM THEME for Mothers
Lynmarie delves into decoding the most common dream theme for mothers: dreams about their children. She explains how these dreams often carry prophetic messages and begins offering methods to decode their meanings. By simplifying the complexity of interpreting dream symbolism, she aims to empower mothers with divine insight.
CHILDREN: Annoying or Prophetically Anointed Unaware?
Part 2 of this series on the dreams of children. In this video, Lynmarie discusses the issue of the validity of children receiving prophetic dreams. The video includes related Bible verses, Lynmarie’s summary of her experiences with children’s prophetic dreams, and a sprinkling of dreams from her childrens and grandchildren which accurately brought insight, encouragement, comfort or guidance.
CONTRASTING GATES: A Child’s Profound Prophetic Dream
Lynmarie shares a little girl’s profound and unusual dream that a she learned of while teaching children at a children’s conference. In breaking it down, she discovers that the dream is theological in nature and relevant to all mankind, as well as moving for Lynmarie as she discusses its implications.
5 GATES of HELL Prophetic Dream Revelations
Lynmarie shares 5 extraordinary insights God showed her in prophetic dreams about “the Gates of Hell” from Matthew 16:18. But what are these gates? Where are they? How do they function? Can we expect to come across them individually in this present world? Lynmarie addresses these questions and encourages viewers as to how to overcome them.
The GATES of HELL That May Affect You
The metaphorical significance of “the Gates of Hell” from Matthew 16:18 may be somewhat understood in Christendom, but what are these gates? Where are they? How do they function? And can we expect to come across them individually in this present world? Lynmarie shares the extraordinary insights she received in several prophetic dreams. Part 1 of 2.
Abominable AI Warning Dreams
Lynmarie reveals 3 prophetic dream elements which may indicate a person is being demonically targeted for surveillance by what she terms Satan’s “Abominable AI.” Recapping PART 1 of the series, she briefly summarizes its description, how it works, and when surveillance is most likely. Personal dream & vision testimonies are provided.
Beware of the Abominable AI
Lynmarie introduces the concept of “Abominable AI” proposing that Artificial Intelligence traces back to its original mastermind, Satan, who developed a similar system for his demonic army. AAI functions as a communication system that collects, stores & disseminates information on the people it targets‒ outlining 6 ways AAI operates.
The Intermittent Whisperer
Lynmarie explores the concept of the “Intermittent Whisperer” discussing how the “Father of Lies” influences not only our thoughts, but our dreams. Guiding viewers in identifying these dreams, she unravels some of the mystery behind these, addresses 4 relevant questions, and suggests some management techniques.
Dream Interpretation in a Day
This video introduces and explains a new resource that’s a dreamer’s delight– an online course designed for immediate and quick assistance to prophetic dreamers. Lynmarie believes the course– which features her 24-step dream interpretation protocol– to be groundbreaking. Available with membership.
Dream Elements ON TRACK- Part 3
Lynmarie continues discussing multiple symbolic-possibility dream elements using TRAINS as an example. Sharing the ominous symbolism option 4, she discusses the symbolism connected to HEAVY life issues including DEATH. She includes a MOVING testimony of a prophetic dream preparing her for the upcoming death of her beloved father.
Dream Elements ON TRACK- Part 2
Lynmarie continues discussing dream elements with multiple symbolic possibilities using RAILWAY TRAINS as an example. Sharing symbolism options 2 & 3, she discusses the symbolism connected to the TRACKS, and then to the train’s DIRECTION. She includes a testimony of her brother being HIT by a train, and a dream testimony which guided her husband.
Dream Elements ON TRACK Part 1
Using RAILWAY TRAINS as an example, Lynmarie emphasizes that dream elements often carry multiple symbolic possibilities for dreamers to discern between. In detail and with moving dream testimonies, she explores 4 vastly different potential meanings for trains in dreams. and how they’ve played out in real life in this series. Symbolism #1 in this post.
The N-Word in Dreams- Part 2
Bringing further insight into the meaning of being called the N-word in her dream‒ and personal background connected to the application of that dream‒ Lynmarie provides vital perspectives on how to manage dreams where a character calls someone a derogatory name or disconcerting revelations about others are releveled.
The N-Word & NAME-CALLING Dreams
In the 1st of this 2-part series, Lynmarie explores the unsettling phenomenon of NAME-CALLING dreams, delving into a personal dream where her husband was called the N-word… & sharing how to discern the core meaning of dream elements. These dreams offer insight into how others secretly see us, guiding us to navigate relationships wisely.
DECODE & DISCOVER: Your Go-To Dream Companion
In this video, Lynmarie shares her transformative journey from dismissing dreams to experiencing deliverance, and then becoming a seasoned dream interpreter. You will find her explanation‒ as to how and why she believes that her take on dreams and her dream dictionary is accurate‒ to be relevant, enlightening, and convincing.
My NEAR-DEATH Experience
In this video, Lynmarie shares what she saw and what she learned from her near-death experience. The symbolisms connected to that experience prove fascinating as well as relevant to prophetic dreamers. And they reinforce the importance of symbols in dreams and visions. The video addressing some unexpected dream elements that may speak of life & death issues.
Dream Interpretation at Your Fingertips
Wishing you had a dream interpreter at your fingertips? Someone you could call on several times a week… at no cost. In this video, Lynmarie shares what she believes is the BEST PLACE to get free and accurate dream interpretation and why… and it’s not connected to her or
Blocking Dreams From Evaporation
Clad in her PJ’s, Lynmarie shares a technique to help you remember your dreams, even when they tend to evaporate upon waking. Acknowledging the struggle of waking up, she re-introduces the concept of “bubble dreams” and offers a practical solution to keeping your dreams intact until you can record them in a journal.
The Birth of Jesus: 7 Identifying Symbols
Lynmarie and her husband delve into the symbolism involved in decoding prophetic dreams by exploring the profound symbolism surrounding the birth of Jesus. Expect a fresh perspective on the prophetic signs present at the incarnation of Jesus. They present and explain 7 symbols, introducing unique perspectives.
Christmas: It’s Not About Jesus
In this insightful video, Lynmarie explores the symbolism of CHRISTMAS SETTINGS in dreams, because we sometimes dream it’s Christmas when in real-life it’s a completely different season. While sharing that Christmas settings speak not of the birth of Jesus, she explains what they DO signify. Engaging and entertaining personal stories included.
Cashed In On That Dream
This a remarkable tale exposes a dream that brought an unexpected $3500 overnight windfall to someone close! Received by Lynmarie, the dream consisted of two vivid dream-scenes which she untangles in detail for you‒element by element. Contrast the value of making sense of dreams with the mere $7.95 per month cost of membership.
Waiting on Christmas Gifts
In this encouraging video, Lynmarie addresses the theme of waiting for provisions drawing parallels between the anticipation of Christmas gifts and the divine provision of resources in our lives. She expounds on the idea that God takes joy in SURPRISING His children with blessings; and that He additionally considers financial tests a priority.
Dreaming of Pie?
Explore the hidden meanings behind prophetic dreams involving PIE. This video dispels the notion that “pie dreams” are always mere reflections of earthly desires. Instead, she focuses on unraveling the profound symbolism behind dreaming about pies: fruit pies, chicken pot pies, lemon meringue… and even a blackbird pie.
Preventing Dreams From Vanishing
Have you ever experienced that frustrating feeling of waking up, knowing you had a dream, yet it slips through your fingers like a fleeting bubble? You’re not alone. In this presentation, we begin a series on how to preserve prophetic dreams though a focus on those elusive “Tip of the Tongue” dreams.
In this video, Lynmarie shares divine guidance brought through a cluster of dreams received on different nights… not all by her. While focusing on a dream element symbolic of foolishness, she testifies to the personal introspection these 3 dreams aroused, the depth with which we are seen by God, and His priority to help us avoid unnecessary conflict.
Dream Element Symbolism: 4 Secrets
In this fascinating video, Lynmarie shares 4 secrets to uncovering the meaning behind dream elements. Enjoy the rich meaning of TURKEYS in dreams via Ben Franklin. and others. Along the way, Lynmarie inserts some political opinion about the appropriateness of risk-taking as demanded, and the value of risk-taking as spirit-led.
Dreams of the Bible: One Thing To Glean
This video introduces an important concept for understanding the dream language used by God in the dreams of the Bible. Lynmarie navigates through 4 dreams in-a-row in the book of Genesis to establish an important point concerning accurate dream interpretation. Some of the tidbits shared are fascinating and may bring you new details.
This video invites viewers on a journey to unravel the profound connection between prophetic dreams and the supernatural. Lynmarie shares 3 dream testimonies which foretold future events… spotlighting the most fascinating and personal one. The video underscores the power and source of prophetic dreams.
The Power of SIMPLE Dreams
In this video, Lynmarie of dives deeper into dream interpretation by introducing the “Simplicity Test.” Building on her previous videos about identifying prophetic dreams, she explores this critical test designed to discern the prophetic potential of dreams, using “mall dreams” as an example.
Double Twin Trouble: A Dream Testimony
This video relays a story of how a dream guided and comforted Lynmarie and her husband during an episode involving being stranded on a country road in their motorhome. The dream initially seemed unconnected from any of the real-life situations in her life, but soon came together to bring insight.
Pumpkin Dream Breaks a Curse
In this video, Lynmarie shares a captivating story of how a dream helped her and her husband overcome darkness. The dream includes pumpkins and corn, initially seems unrelated to reality, but the dream’s interpretation unravels a surprising connection between these dream elements and the dreamer’s life.
Caveat on The Remoteness Test
Caveats as apply to dream interpretation principles are EXCEPTIONS. This post explains the CAVEAT connected to the REMOTENESS TEST to help identify your prophetic dreams… and typically applies to the dreams of experienced dreamers… increasing their effectiveness in making sense of them.
My REMOTE George Soros Dream Testimony
This video introduces Lynmarie’s REMOTENESS test to help dreamers identify prophetic dreams. Her fascinating example involves George Soros gifting her a special hat in front of Harvard in New York City. She interprets the dream and shares how it played out in real life.
The MOST COMMON Dream Interpretation Mistake
In this video, Lynmarie addresses a prevalent error that many dreamers make when interpreting their dreams, an error which blocks them from discovering the TRUE message which would prove enlightening and beneficial. She shares 2 dreams as examples of how to avoid this mistake.
My BIZARRE Drunk Glenn Beck Pizza Dream
This video presents Lynmarie’s BIZARRENESS test to help dreamers determine whether their dreams are prophetic or not. As an example, she relays a dream of a very drunk Glenn Beck delivering her a pizza, interprets the dream, and shares how it played out in real life.
IMPRESSED by Beef and Blindness Dreams
This video introduces what Lynmarie calls the IMPRESSIVENESS test to help identify whether a dream is prophetic. She includes and explains 2 fascinating dream stories from her childhood and young life… one of chewing expanding beef and the other of macular degeneration.
This video highlights the original meaning of the term prophetic and how it influences the scope of prophetic dreams. While inviting listeners to look to dreams for FORTHTELLING which provides present insight, she shares a dream story involving a woman who lost her fiancé.
Changing The Future Through Prophetic Dreams
In this video, Lynmarie takes us on an exploration of the power of prophetic dreams and their potential to shape our lives and even our destinies. Focusing on how we can change the future via prophetic dreams, she relays a dream of wrestling with a polar bear, and how it brought a heads-up during a real-life struggle.
From Denmark: Violent Storm & Flying Ants Dream
Do All Prophetic Dreams Accurately Predict The Future?
Today, I’m going to answer that question by sharing 2 purposes for prophetic dreams.
The short answer as to whether all all prophetic dreams accurately predict the future is NO. It’s NO because prophetic dreams have a variety of purposes… not because their accuracy is questionable. The word prophetic in Greek literally means forthtelling, not foretelling.
5 Things You Should Know
1. THANK YOU! Let me thank all of you how have remembered me while the side was in renovation. Your notes of encouragement meant a lot, and your prayers pulled us through! 2. SOFT LAUNCH. If you have found the site before getting an email notice, it's because a soft...
Behind the Declaration
The text of the Declaration of Independence (and for that matter, the laws set forth in the U.S. Constitution) did not emerge out of a moral vacuum unrelated to the writers’ own beliefs, but rather are the product of the reasonings of those who created them…
There IS a Fountain
BARREN PLACES Ever feel like you’re walking in circles in a dry land? Like the thing you want most consistently eludes you? Or like you’re wandering from one wilderness to another? Before a season like that arrived in my life, recurring dreams had prophesied a death...
Four End Time Signposts
For centuries, believers have cried “Jesus is coming soon! What makes us so sure that He is returning to the earth “soon”? That our generation is different? We could talk about RECENT TECHNOLOGY or the global push toward world jurisdiction of every aspect of life
What Just Happened? Stunt Flipped Votes Temporarily
Prophetic Dream Received by Lynmarie on Nov 17, 2020 Ten days after Vice President Biden was declared the victor of the 2020 Presidential election (Nov 7, 2020), I received the following dream (Nov 17, 2020). It's no coincidence that God sent the dream on the 17th,...
Promises & Prodigals
Do you have a son or daughter who has drifted away? Once again, being able to make sense of dreams can make all the difference! As I weigh the depth of pain I am in right now— during another season of separation— I can honestly compare it to the toe I broke a few days ago.
Can God Reveal Election Winners in Advance?
Why is it so hard for some of us to comprehend that God can reveal the identity of the next US President? A) The Holy Spirit, like God the Father, is omniscient; knows everything… past, present, future. B) The Holy Spirit dwells inside God’s children. C) The Holy Spirit speaks to us personally.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 15
“Sticky Situation” Glaslyn, Wales, 2020. Someone bought my son glue for $1200 and he had to pay them back. I was a passive watcher.
Oct 2020 Dream Prophesies The Identity of Two Upcoming US Presidents (2020 & 2024)
My JUNE 2015 dream prophesied the election of Donald Trump, the battle he would endure while disabled, and eventual assistance to re-stand.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 14
“Hair Raising” Phoenix, AZ 2020. A doctor I work with was teasing my hair and making it really big and braided it into the shape of a flower. He told me I have lots of gray hair.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 13
“Church Visit” West Salem, North Carolina, 2020. In my dream, there were three churches that I visited. One I attended regularly. My son Sam and I went to visit a friend who also visited these churches.
From Aurora Colorado “Birds Blacken Sky”
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 12
“Missing Wallet” Asheville, North Carolina, 2020. This dream took place in a store. I saw a glimpse of a man and mother was telling me to say hey. I told her if he wanted me, he would say something. I started walking out the store and I notice I didn’t have my purse. I asked my mother did I bring in with me. So, I walked back to the fitting room and there was my purse sitting there. I looked in my purse and noticed my wallet was missing. I went to report it to this man, but it is like he wasn’t listening to me. I saw two wallets sitting there but I couldn’t tell if one was mine.
GUNS FIRING‒ Donald Trump Only Partically Protected‒ GET TO SAFETY
This June 2020 dream prophesies a very significant lack of SECRET SERVICE PROTECTION for Donald Trump and coming ASSASINATION ATTEMPS. Sent by God on June 10 of that year, it speaks of LACK OF TAKING RESPONSIBILITY because the number 10 biblically symbolizes responsibility‒ and specifically, a test intended to yield a testimony. Trump stood in the street behind only a thigh-high barricade, indicating that protection would at some point be almost entirely compromised, leaving him HIGHLY EXPOSED to gunfire.
From Washington “Waves of Destruction Over the US”
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 11
“Feeling Rejected” Arlington, VA 2020. I keep having the same recurring dream about my college friends hating me and I cannot understand why. It leaves feeling hurt in the dream and baffled as to why. This last dream was about other people that were my friends but they disliked me as well.
A Strawberry a Day
Ever found yourself in a difficult season where God seems to have gone behind a cloud and isn’t speaking to you? Maybe you need to collect some strawberries. Believe me, it works. I was recently reminded of that truth, and God spoke again. Let me tell you about June 2 Strawberry Day , a day everything is sweetness, smiles, and shades of red.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 10
“Pregnant and Showing” Eastern Florida, 2020. I am wearing a green tee-shirt and going for a meeting at my daughters’ schools. At the gate, the receptionist says” I look full”. I smiled and said I realized not long ago that I am pregnant even though my pregnancy looks advanced. I then looked at the left side of my stomach and saw the hand of my baby as I could see through my body. I took the elevator and went upstairs. I thought to myself in the dream: “I need to buy bigger clothes and be strong, so the people at my job don’t think I can’t continue working because I am pregnant”.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 9
“Scary Alligator” Alabama, 2020. I was in a grassy area near a small body of water. I saw a small alligator on his back and got on a bicycle to get away from it. The alligator caught up to me and I then tried to scare it away with a white 5-gallon bucket.I’m not certain but I think my husband then showed up and rescued me from it. That’s all I can recall at this time. I usually rebuke things that attack or approach me negatively in dreams but this time I only tried to scare it away and was unsuccessful until my husband showed up.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 8
“Feed The Bird” New South Wales, Australia 2020. I have had this regularly recurring dream for a few years now: I have a pet budgie that I have forgotten to feed and clean out its cage. I always remember it with a sudden panic and think, “Oh no, it’s not actually a dream this time”. It’s usually under a cover and when I take it off, I see the bird is still alive. I breathe a sigh of relief but feel appalled at myself for forgetting it again.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 7
“Dream In The Park” South Carolina, 2020. I had a dream I taught a group of people the word of God and at the end, I did a salvation call. All of the people got up and we moved from a classroom to a park. Almost to the end of the salvation prayer for some we were interrupted by men with mask and forced out of the park
What Do Pies, Hot-Tubs and Flower Pots Have In Common?
Ever had a dream about ice cream? Or pies? Since they’re desserts, you might think those dreams are “pizza dreams,” just junk dreams revealing your fleshly desires! But that may not be the case. Read on to see what these deserts may have in common with hot-tubs and flower pots…
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 6
“Pick up Dad” Kingston, Jamaica 2020., I dreamt that I was sitting on a sidewalk by the road waiting. My dad came in a truck and picked me up. I remember being surprised that he came to pick me up. This dream repeated 3 times in one night, I was surprised each time. He was at the front seat and I was at the back seat.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 5
“It’s In the Numbers” Charleston, South Carolina, 2020. In this dream, I was with my mother at a Benny Hinn service. He called my mother to the front to sign and date a document. My mother asked me to come up with her to sign and date it for her. As I walked to the front, a young man whom I didn’t recognize, walked up with me. As soon as he and I got near the front, we both fell on the floor under the power of God twice. Then, I wrote the date (6-6-20) on the paper.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 4
“Spiders, Snakes, Birds, Mice?” Atlanta,GA 2020., I came in the bathroom – bright daylight through the window. I noticed a tiny spider on small web. At the toilet, I noticed a huge black spider-nest in the web. Scared, I left the bathroom.Peeking in the door,
Is God Ever Small? A Prophetic Dream Testimony
Join Lynmarie as she delves into how God speaks into our lives, even in the tiniest of matters. With decades of experience helping dreamers worldwide, she shares a captivating dream testimony of her husband’s, showcasing the profound wisdom and guidance hidden within our dreams, and the humorous ways God speaks. Enlightening and inspiring. Part 1 of 2.
YOU’VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE: My Prophetic Dream Journey
In this video, Lynmarie shares her transformative journey from dismissing dreams to experiencing deliverance, and then becoming a seasoned dream interpreter. You will find her explanation‒ as to how and why she believes that her take on dreams and her dream dictionary is accurate‒ to be relevant, enlightening, and convincing.
Dressed to Kill: A Prophetic Testimony
Enjoy Lynmarie’s impromptu testimony of prophetic dreams guiding her and her husband in one season of their lives. One dream simply showed her wearing a ridiculous dress. Another series of dreams depicted what was coming as tornados. And finally, a dream urging her to “wipe the dust off her feet,” with couple of aspects of the outcome thought-provoking. Testimony that can’t be ignored.
Prophetic Dreams: The Wild Card in the Playing Cards of Life
Lynmarie shares insights on accessing “wild cards” through prophetic dreams. Offering a real-life example of their profound impact, she challenges believers to navigate life’s complexities not only with faith, but also with increased divine clarity. Discover how these supernatural messages, like “wild cards,” offer peace and strategic advantages in life’s challenges.
A Fresh Prophetic Word For INNER HEALING
Have you experienced trauma recently or in the past? Join Lynmarie as she shares a fresh prophetic word about the Holy Spirit’s healing power. Learn how to build spiritual fortifications and revisit painful memories with divine guidance. Discover simple, practical steps for emotional and spiritual restoration, inspired by a powerful dream. Embrace healing & prepare for what’s next.
A Key to Igniting Prophetic Power
Uncover a secret to igniting PROPHETIC POWER through this compelling testimony by Lynmarie. With decades of experience in prophetic ministry, Lynmarie shares a personal story that unveils the key to igniting the Holy Spirit’s fire. Discover what transforms a spark into a powerful flame, and learn how this revelation can enhance your spiritual journey.
CONTRASTING GATES: A Child’s Profound Prophetic Dream
Lynmarie shares a little girl’s profound and unusual dream that a she learned of while teaching children at a children’s conference. In breaking it down, she discovers that the dream is theological in nature and relevant to all mankind, as well as moving for Lynmarie as she discusses its implications.
My NEAR-DEATH Experience
In this video, Lynmarie shares what she saw and what she learned from her near-death experience. The symbolisms connected to that experience prove fascinating as well as relevant to prophetic dreamers. And they reinforce the importance of symbols in dreams and visions. The video addressing some unexpected dream elements that may speak of life & death issues.
Cashed In On That Dream
This a remarkable tale exposes a dream that brought an unexpected $3500 overnight windfall to someone close! Received by Lynmarie, the dream consisted of two vivid dream-scenes which she untangles in detail for you‒element by element. Contrast the value of making sense of dreams with the mere $7.95 per month cost of membership.
Waiting on Christmas Gifts
In this encouraging video, Lynmarie addresses the theme of waiting for provisions drawing parallels between the anticipation of Christmas gifts and the divine provision of resources in our lives. She expounds on the idea that God takes joy in SURPRISING His children with blessings; and that He additionally considers financial tests a priority.
In this video, Lynmarie shares divine guidance brought through a cluster of dreams received on different nights… not all by her. While focusing on a dream element symbolic of foolishness, she testifies to the personal introspection these 3 dreams aroused, the depth with which we are seen by God, and His priority to help us avoid unnecessary conflict.
This video invites viewers on a journey to unravel the profound connection between prophetic dreams and the supernatural. Lynmarie shares 3 dream testimonies which foretold future events… spotlighting the most fascinating and personal one. The video underscores the power and source of prophetic dreams.
Double Twin Trouble: A Dream Testimony
This video relays a story of how a dream guided and comforted Lynmarie and her husband during an episode involving being stranded on a country road in their motorhome. The dream initially seemed unconnected from any of the real-life situations in her life, but soon came together to bring insight.
Nashville Tornado
I awoke a week ago from a somewhat disturbing prophetic dream about a tornado, and noted it I my journal. This morning, I awoke to notices on my phone that a relative had tried to call late last night. I returned his call immediately to find out about the tornado that devastated parts of the Nashville area. As I write this, sadly, 24 people have died… with another 200 hospitalized, and 140 buildings devastated.
Flawlessly Flawed
This home, sitting on acreage, had been listed for several years, with the price routinely being lowered after each offer had failed. This happened at least 6 times. What was it about this home that prevented it from selling right away? What was the one major flaw that held this property back from getting happily involved with a buyer? Well, it just happened that it was that the floor in one corner of the home had sunken down a few inches. Six different buyers looked at this home― new siding, new ac system, a nice metal roof on 4 acres with 100 acre parcels on each side and no neighbors in sight― and saw ONLY the sunken floor.
Pumpkin Dream Breaks a Curse
Now for an interesting story that addresses the meaning of pumpkin in dreams. And next time: Pie and Ice Cream. PUMPKIN The Meaning of Pumpkin In Dreams- One of the most distinctive aspects of this wonderful and delicious squash plant is that it is highly connected...
Waiting on Christmas Gifts
In this encouraging video, Lynmarie addresses the theme of waiting for provisions drawing parallels between the anticipation of Christmas gifts and the divine provision of resources in our lives. She expounds on the idea that God takes joy in SURPRISING His children with blessings; and that He additionally considers financial tests a priority.
There IS a Fountain
BARREN PLACES Ever feel like you’re walking in circles in a dry land? Like the thing you want most consistently eludes you? Or like you’re wandering from one wilderness to another? Before a season like that arrived in my life, recurring dreams had prophesied a death...
Promises & Prodigals
Do you have a son or daughter who has drifted away? Once again, being able to make sense of dreams can make all the difference! As I weigh the depth of pain I am in right now— during another season of separation— I can honestly compare it to the toe I broke a few days ago.
A Strawberry a Day
Ever found yourself in a difficult season where God seems to have gone behind a cloud and isn’t speaking to you? Maybe you need to collect some strawberries. Believe me, it works. I was recently reminded of that truth, and God spoke again. Let me tell you about June 2 Strawberry Day , a day everything is sweetness, smiles, and shades of red.
Don’t Just Stew
Dreams that take place at a turning point in a person’s life— especially recurring dreams— most likely have long-term implications. That is, they may be more about decades than days or weeks. Did you have impressive dreams as a child or teen? … God sends us letters through dreams. When we make sense of them, we are prepared for whatever season we are in, even the stewing seasons.
Your Thoughts-Your Ways
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9 (NKJV). My father-in-law, Lyn’s dad, had a theme song. Everyone knew it, and they honored him with it as the background of a slideshow at his retirement.
While You Wait
In the last post, Lynmarie discussed those sweet promises we receive (through Prophetic Dreams, Prophetic Words, or the Scripture) that don’t look like they’re going to come to pass, but eventually and with significant testing and battle… do. Sometimes the Lord...
My Dark Season
I Thought You Might Want to Know Hi, this is Raymond, one of the founders of this website. If you've ever read my bio, you might have noticed a Nebuchadnezzar experience that I survived, and you might be wondering what that was. I refer to the ordeal as my...
Right Time Right Place
Let's talk about divine encounters Sometimes the dream is only part of the story. Sometimes being in the right place at the right time and listening to the Spirit leads to a divine encounter that makes all the difference. This was the case with Sabrina. One evening in...
The B I B L E- Is that the Book for Me?
The Bible is the #1 bestseller of all the books ever written and has been translated into over 200 languages, but these days it’s taking a beating! I hear all kinds of wild accusations about it… particularly that it is not credible. Let’s touch on that.
Get What I’ve Got
You know that tone of voice; the defeated one. You’ve seen that facial expression, a kind of animated question mark. She was saying that we have absolutely no way of having even an indication of what God has to say about it, what plans He has concerning it, or how we could impact it. We simply can’t know what God’s going to do or what’s going to happen even in the vaguest sense. And we have no power over it apart from personal manipulation. We could try a few worldly tactics; but other than that, we just have to throw up our hands, keep praying, and HOPE for the best.
I Know!
In the last post, I discussed some possibilities as to why we sometimes find ourselves surprised by the way life goes, having been completely off in expectations due to inaccurate prophetic perceptions. I occasionally hear folks say, “We can’t know the future.” I bite...
If you are into the prophetic, can you think of a time when you believe you’ve heard from God, but your real life didn’t match up? Ever found yourself blindsided? You hoped for and maybe even expected a positive outcome, but when the battle was over, you had been...
Sounds Like Pizza to Me
As I meet new people I often mention dreams. Some get animated and immediately begin asking questions about their most recent or impressive one, earnestly believing that the dream must mean something, and wanting to know what. Others tell me a dream of theirs as if to...
Did Prophecy Die Out With The Apostles?
I once set up a booth at a fair offering free dream interpretation without referencing any religious belief. Those who were non-religious, new age, or spiritual without aligning to a religious system were delighted to receive my interpretive comments. But...
A Ferris Wheel Anointing
LET'S TALK ABOUT PROPHETIC TEAM MINISTRY Filled with hope and surrounded by 7 women, I sat awaiting words of insight to encourage, comfort, and challenge me. Receiving and providing prophetic ministry has changed my life, and once again this week, I had the privilege...
Eleventh Hour Cow
I go crazy with dreams like my daughter goes crazy with quilting. Dreams seem to impact every area of my life, and my family’s life for that matter. When my kids are seeking direction, I always say, “Pay attention to your dreams!” But what if we don’t receive insight...
The Early Edition
Sometimes my dream life reminds me of getting tomorrow’s newspaper today. If you’ve ever watched the television series EARLY EDITION, you know what I mean. Being prophetic is sometimes a trip! In the show, a kind-hearted bar and grill owner begins finding the Chicago...
Who’s That Talking to Me?
I was recently passing the time in a waiting room when the topic of dreams came up. The woman told me her dream and then analyzed it herself explaining how it fit into a current situation in her life. The problem with her interpretation was that the message was...
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 15
“Sticky Situation” Glaslyn, Wales, 2020. Someone bought my son glue for $1200 and he had to pay them back. I was a passive watcher.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 14
“Hair Raising” Phoenix, AZ 2020. A doctor I work with was teasing my hair and making it really big and braided it into the shape of a flower. He told me I have lots of gray hair.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 13
“Church Visit” West Salem, North Carolina, 2020. In my dream, there were three churches that I visited. One I attended regularly. My son Sam and I went to visit a friend who also visited these churches.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 12
“Missing Wallet” Asheville, North Carolina, 2020. This dream took place in a store. I saw a glimpse of a man and mother was telling me to say hey. I told her if he wanted me, he would say something. I started walking out the store and I notice I didn’t have my purse. I asked my mother did I bring in with me. So, I walked back to the fitting room and there was my purse sitting there. I looked in my purse and noticed my wallet was missing. I went to report it to this man, but it is like he wasn’t listening to me. I saw two wallets sitting there but I couldn’t tell if one was mine.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 11
“Feeling Rejected” Arlington, VA 2020. I keep having the same recurring dream about my college friends hating me and I cannot understand why. It leaves feeling hurt in the dream and baffled as to why. This last dream was about other people that were my friends but they disliked me as well.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 10
“Pregnant and Showing” Eastern Florida, 2020. I am wearing a green tee-shirt and going for a meeting at my daughters’ schools. At the gate, the receptionist says” I look full”. I smiled and said I realized not long ago that I am pregnant even though my pregnancy looks advanced. I then looked at the left side of my stomach and saw the hand of my baby as I could see through my body. I took the elevator and went upstairs. I thought to myself in the dream: “I need to buy bigger clothes and be strong, so the people at my job don’t think I can’t continue working because I am pregnant”.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 9
“Scary Alligator” Alabama, 2020. I was in a grassy area near a small body of water. I saw a small alligator on his back and got on a bicycle to get away from it. The alligator caught up to me and I then tried to scare it away with a white 5-gallon bucket.I’m not certain but I think my husband then showed up and rescued me from it. That’s all I can recall at this time. I usually rebuke things that attack or approach me negatively in dreams but this time I only tried to scare it away and was unsuccessful until my husband showed up.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 8
“Feed The Bird” New South Wales, Australia 2020. I have had this regularly recurring dream for a few years now: I have a pet budgie that I have forgotten to feed and clean out its cage. I always remember it with a sudden panic and think, “Oh no, it’s not actually a dream this time”. It’s usually under a cover and when I take it off, I see the bird is still alive. I breathe a sigh of relief but feel appalled at myself for forgetting it again.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 7
“Dream In The Park” South Carolina, 2020. I had a dream I taught a group of people the word of God and at the end, I did a salvation call. All of the people got up and we moved from a classroom to a park. Almost to the end of the salvation prayer for some we were interrupted by men with mask and forced out of the park
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 6
“Pick up Dad” Kingston, Jamaica 2020., I dreamt that I was sitting on a sidewalk by the road waiting. My dad came in a truck and picked me up. I remember being surprised that he came to pick me up. This dream repeated 3 times in one night, I was surprised each time. He was at the front seat and I was at the back seat.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 5
“It’s In the Numbers” Charleston, South Carolina, 2020. In this dream, I was with my mother at a Benny Hinn service. He called my mother to the front to sign and date a document. My mother asked me to come up with her to sign and date it for her. As I walked to the front, a young man whom I didn’t recognize, walked up with me. As soon as he and I got near the front, we both fell on the floor under the power of God twice. Then, I wrote the date (6-6-20) on the paper.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 4
“Spiders, Snakes, Birds, Mice?” Atlanta,GA 2020., I came in the bathroom – bright daylight through the window. I noticed a tiny spider on small web. At the toilet, I noticed a huge black spider-nest in the web. Scared, I left the bathroom.Peeking in the door,
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 3
“Same Sex In Bed” South Carolina, 2020. Reoccurring dream of laying/getting in bed with my best friend of the same sex. I always hesitate to get in bed with her but I always end up doing it. Also, my best friend had an explicit dream about me having sex with someone of the same sex, a woman.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 2
“Flying Teeth?” Cleveland, Ohio, 2020. What does it mean to dream with teeth killing my already deceased husband? Teeth where just flying killing people and the teeth just sank into my husband stabbing him to death. He passed on of a heart attack 6 years ago.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 1
“Suicidal Narcissist” New Orleans, LA 2020. My dream was my ex committed suicide. I’m currently leaving a narcissist and I never dream until now. Last dream was him and the new girl attacking me with words and money. And the next day I had a dream about him committing suicide.
From Denmark: Violent Storm & Flying Ants Dream
This month, we decided to interpret a dream from one of the members. In fact, that sounds like a good idea for future member posts! We are glad to be assisting this person with this dream because the dream addresses a most serious matter. In fact, we feel it was Providence that this dreamer reached out just as we were preparing the next member’s post. Our dreamer lives in Denmark, the birthplace of my only living aunt…
From the Volumes‒ Dream 6
“Alligators and Rattlesnakes” Austin, Texas, 2014. Hi, recently, I’ve been asking God to talk to me through dreams and God has shown me this one guy who I don’t know at school… In my dream, he was stalking me, following everywhere I went.
From the Volumes‒ Dream 5
“Avoid the Shower!” Lagos, Nigeria, 2014. I was having a shower in a bathroom with multiple faucets, one of the taps had very dirty water in it but I turned to another, whilst I was trying to use it I noticed a big yellow snake with red rattle tail coming out of the drains and the head of the married women’s fellowship I belong to [name given] seemingly came to call me away from the bathroom.
From the Volumes‒ Dream 4
“Two Buses” Columbus, Ohio, 2014. I dreamed I was on a bus with my ex-wife and a woman I also know in real life. I went to my ex-wife then stopped and turned around and hugged the other woman.
From the Volumes‒ Dream 3
“Door Way Too Big” Calgary, Canada, 2013. I was in a dark hallway with doors all labeled Calgary all down the hallway. I started walking down the hallway turning to the left and the right trying to open doors labeled Calgary, but each door was locked. I got very frustrated. I finally came to what appeared to be a dead end. I remember saying, “great… I am at a dead end with no where to go”.
From the Volumes‒ Dream 2
“Landscaper Fixes Car” Auckland, New Zeland, 2012. I was in a past house upstairs. I hear my Dad calling me from downstairs. I feel irritated and jump down the stairs to see what he wants. My Dad is smiling and happy, at the doorstep is a man I recognize as the owner of a landscaping company.
From the Volumes‒ Dream 1
“Staircase from Hell” Union City,Georgia, 2011. I dreamed that I had arrived at a hotel and as I approached the counter to be checked in I was told that my room would be on the 100th floor. As I begin to go to the elevator the clerk shouted out to me that the elevator was broken and I would have to take the stairs.