The Dreamer Behind All This

From an early age, I became intrigued by dreams after having recurring ones of incessant chewing of steak. With every gum-like chew, the beef always grew larger until I was forced to spit it out‒ only to find another small piece in my mouth to start the process again…

Then, just after my wedding, I received a second onslaught of dreams‒ this time repeatedly experiencing macular degeneration, flying without an aircraft to flee the bad guys, and dread of returning to college (which I loved in real life).

The Dreamer Behind All This

From an early age, I became intrigued by dreams after having reoccuring ones of incessant chewing of steak. With every gum-like chew, the beef always grew larger until I was forced to spit it out‒ only to find another small piece in my mouth to start the process again.

Then, just after my wedding, I received a second onslaught of dreams‒ this time repeatedly experiencing macular degeneration, flying without an aircraft to flee the bad guys, and dread of returning to college (which I loved in real life).

But it wasn’t until my life was greatly shaken‒ and I experienced a third explosion of dreams (this time with visions and manifestations)‒ that I got serious about seeking some answers.

My journey took me through extensive prophetic training, dream interpretation courses, and even graduate-level seminary programs.

But the most powerful training came from the school of life… specifically, by the clinical study of multitudes of actual dreams over the last two decades. Having access to the dreams submitted to my website from around the world led to the full-time scrutinizing and interpreting of thousands of dreams. And the positive feedback and real-life testimonies wrapped around those interpretations (and eventually, the ratings and reviews for my first course-series) have been invaluable.

Along with that, I’ve been interpreting my own dreams‒ and those of my dreaming family‒ since the turn of the century‒ compiling around 365 personal case-studies per year.

Connecting dreams with how they play out in real-life‒ for an enormous number of dreams‒ has been incredibly enlightening. That’s why I KNOW my methods work. And though I have a deep personal faith, I’ve discovered along the way, that my interpretation methods work for anyone.


The Rest of the Story
After 25 years of marriage‒ a 15-month season of oppression proved to be life-changing. My husband’s ordeal provided us first-hand insight into depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and instantaneous deliverance.

Factoring in the details of the ordeal, including the fact that life had generally been going fine‒ we concluded that the torment’s only feasible origin was spiritual. Yet that made no sense to us, given our Christian background… so we were left hanging and praying.

Eventually, prophetic insights provided clues as to the spiritual business required for deliverance, which my husband eagerly began tackling. And when completed, the demons manifested leading to instantaneous deliverance. The recurring dreams I had experienced at the beginning of our marriage began to make sense. Since then, our inside-knowledge concerning spiritual battle has been a resource to many.

After my husband was set free, we were left with many questions. And we came to feel that all those years in churches had taught us a lot, but still left us lacking and even misinformed in some areas. The time had come to widen our spiritual education‒and since a second onslaught of dreams ensued‒ gaining deeper insight into the spiritual realm topped the list. So, our quest for truth led to years of prophetic training and seminary enrollment.

My husband’s heart for those in need was always apparent, as evidenced by his BA in Sociology. So, it was natural for us to accept chaplain and co-pastor positions at an inner-city recovery program and outreach to the hungry. This allowed him to advocate on behalf of veterans, x-offenders, the homeless, and those in recovery‒ in addition to our spiritual ministry there.

And when the opportunity arose to take dream interpretation, prayer, and prophetic ministry to the streets, we jumped on it‒ partnering with a group that fed the hungry weekly across the street from a rescue mission. We were warmly received, with the conversations invariably productive. It’s an exciting way to demonstrate love, bring practical insight, and dispense hope to the hurting.

After training a prophetic group at a large and younger contemporary church, we found our way back “home” because the call on our lives to join hands with the African-American community always remained relentless. Starting at the turn to the 21st century, we have enjoyed serving in various leadership positions in a number of denominational black churches.

Eventually, we earned Doctorates of Ministries Degrees and began teaching courses and leading a prophetic group in that church until we were called to co-pastor a 20-year old church in need of growth.

Both lovers of music, my husband and I met in a music store. The son of a local pianist celebrity‒ he’s an accomplished jazz and gospel drummer, playing professionally or studio-recording from time to time, and enjoying the recordings of great musicians on most days.

I obtained my BA in Choral Music Education, and have taught in several schools, a theater company, and privately. While serving as a church choir director in a number of churches, I’ve had the privilege of leading both traditional choirs and black-gospel choirs. The Christmas musicals and prophetic improvisational skits I facilitated were especially exhilarating. We persist at enjoying jazz and gospel music.

I highly esteem beauty‒ picturesque surroundings, pleasing aromas, good food, powerful music, and a good marriage… while my husband shares all that with me, and finds ways to laugh daily. Together we enjoy travel with my prophetic dreams depicting our RV as a set of vibes with an American flag mounted on the back.

We brag 48 years of marriage, 5 remarkable children, and 15 grandchildren- including 2 sets of twins!