1. THANK YOU! Let me thank all of you how have remembered me while the side was in renovation. Your notes of encouragement meant a lot, and your prayers pulled us through!
2. SOFT LAUNCH. If you have found the site before getting an email notice, it’s because a soft relaunch should help uncover potential initial site issues. There is a great deal of content on our website, and we welcome reports of incorrect links, and what appear to be various errors. Please use the appropriate form: Report Errors
3. PROPHETIC DREAMERS LOG IN. Try logging in via your email address or username and password as remembered, or call for a password reset. If you were a registered user before, you still are. Should you have any problems with login, visit Log In Issues.
4. CRASH COURSE. The new course‒ Crash Course in Interpretation for Prophetic Dreamers‒ is included in our membership, OR alternatively is offered and ON SALE separately.
5. THE DREAMERS INSTITUTE. Availability of the other new courses‒ Dream Interpretation in a Day, and 88 Decoding Exercises for Prophetic Dreamers (as well as our original course: 15 Keys to Interpretation for Prophetic Dreamers) is slightly delayed as we finalize testing their functionality.
When those three courses are available, the delay notice on at the top of our home page will no longer appear, and the menu and links will lead to The Dreamers Institute.
You will need to log in to The Dreamers Institute separately. Use your email address (or username) and password as remembered, or call for a password reset. If you were a registered user before, you still are. If you have purchased and taken part or all of the 15 Keys series, creating a new username, will void you of access to those courses.
Every Blessing! And Live Your Wildest Dreams!