Dream Pool Quick-Picks‒ Dream 15
“Sticky Situation” Glaslyn, Wales, 2020. Someone bought my son glue for $1200 and he had to pay them back. I was a passive watcher.
“Sticky Situation” Glaslyn, Wales, 2020. Someone bought my son glue for $1200 and he had to pay them back. I was a passive watcher.
“Hair Raising” Phoenix, AZ 2020. A doctor I work with was teasing my hair and making it really big and braided it into the shape of a flower. He told me I have lots of gray hair.
“Church Visit” West Salem, North Carolina, 2020. In my dream, there were three churches that I visited. One I attended regularly. My son Sam and I went to visit a friend who also visited these churches.
“Missing Wallet” Asheville, North Carolina, 2020. This dream took place in a store. I saw a glimpse of a man and mother was telling me to say hey. I told her if he wanted me, he would say something. I started walking out the store and I notice I didn’t have my purse. I asked my mother did I bring in with me. So, I walked back to the fitting room and there was my purse sitting there. I looked in my purse and noticed my wallet was missing. I went to report it to this man, but it is like he wasn’t listening to me. I saw two wallets sitting there but I couldn’t tell if one was mine.
“Feeling Rejected” Arlington, VA 2020. I keep having the same recurring dream about my college friends hating me and I cannot understand why. It leaves feeling hurt in the dream and baffled as to why. This last dream was about other people that were my friends but they disliked me as well.
“Pregnant and Showing” Eastern Florida, 2020. I am wearing a green tee-shirt and going for a meeting at my daughters’ schools. At the gate, the receptionist says” I look full”. I smiled and said I realized not long ago that I am pregnant even though my pregnancy looks advanced. I then looked at the left side of my stomach and saw the hand of my baby as I could see through my body. I took the elevator and went upstairs. I thought to myself in the dream: “I need to buy bigger clothes and be strong, so the people at my job don’t think I can’t continue working because I am pregnant”.
“Scary Alligator” Alabama, 2020. I was in a grassy area near a small body of water. I saw a small alligator on his back and got on a bicycle to get away from it. The alligator caught up to me and I then tried to scare it away with a white 5-gallon bucket.I’m not certain but I think my husband then showed up and rescued me from it. That’s all I can recall at this time. I usually rebuke things that attack or approach me negatively in dreams but this time I only tried to scare it away and was unsuccessful until my husband showed up.
“Feed The Bird” New South Wales, Australia 2020. I have had this regularly recurring dream for a few years now: I have a pet budgie that I have forgotten to feed and clean out its cage. I always remember it with a sudden panic and think, “Oh no, it’s not actually a dream this time”. It’s usually under a cover and when I take it off, I see the bird is still alive. I breathe a sigh of relief but feel appalled at myself for forgetting it again.
“Dream In The Park” South Carolina, 2020. I had a dream I taught a group of people the word of God and at the end, I did a salvation call. All of the people got up and we moved from a classroom to a park. Almost to the end of the salvation prayer for some we were interrupted by men with mask and forced out of the park
“Pick up Dad” Kingston, Jamaica 2020., I dreamt that I was sitting on a sidewalk by the road waiting. My dad came in a truck and picked me up. I remember being surprised that he came to pick me up. This dream repeated 3 times in one night, I was surprised each time. He was at the front seat and I was at the back seat.
“It’s In the Numbers” Charleston, South Carolina, 2020. In this dream, I was with my mother at a Benny Hinn service. He called my mother to the front to sign and date a document. My mother asked me to come up with her to sign and date it for her. As I walked to the front, a young man whom I didn’t recognize, walked up with me. As soon as he and I got near the front, we both fell on the floor under the power of God twice. Then, I wrote the date (6-6-20) on the paper.
“Spiders, Snakes, Birds, Mice?” Atlanta,GA 2020., I came in the bathroom – bright daylight through the window. I noticed a tiny spider on small web. At the toilet, I noticed a huge black spider-nest in the web. Scared, I left the bathroom.Peeking in the door,
“Same Sex In Bed” South Carolina, 2020. Reoccurring dream of laying/getting in bed with my best friend of the same sex. I always hesitate to get in bed with her but I always end up doing it. Also, my best friend had an explicit dream about me having sex with someone of the same sex, a woman.
“Flying Teeth?” Cleveland, Ohio, 2020. What does it mean to dream with teeth killing my already deceased husband? Teeth where just flying killing people and the teeth just sank into my husband stabbing him to death. He passed on of a heart attack 6 years ago.
“Suicidal Narcissist” New Orleans, LA 2020. My dream was my ex committed suicide. I’m currently leaving a narcissist and I never dream until now. Last dream was him and the new girl attacking me with words and money. And the next day I had a dream about him committing suicide.