Dream Pool Quick-Picks


New South Wales, Australia 2020

The Dream

“Feed The Bird”

I have had this regularly recurring dream for a few years now: I have a pet budgie that I have forgotten to feed and clean out its cage. I always remember it with a sudden panic and think, “Oh no, it’s not actually a dream this time”. It’s usually under a cover and when I take it off, I see the bird is still alive. I breathe a sigh of relief but feel appalled at myself for forgetting it again.

The Interpretation

I can identify with this one as I’ve have had similar recurring dreams. God is reminding you that there is something in your life that has been neglected and is needing attention.

Perhaps you feel you are too busy to get back to it and continue what you started. Maybe you feel it won’t be successful or worth investing the time and resources. Or you may think it’s getting along fine without attention. I wouldn’t be all surprised if it’s in regard to a ministry.

Discern what God’s speaking to you about, and find a way to reinvest in it! The Lord is saying that this IS important… you CAN fit it in… that your time WILL be productive. He is saying He will bless this. Praise God. Dreamer, what do you sense the little parakeet represents? Let us know by commenting below.

Remember: Each of us receives our own dreams, and each of us knows our own state of affairs. Dreamers are intended to make the best interpreters of their own dreams as they grow in understanding of the parabolic language of dreams.

I’m not you, but that’s my view! Every Blessing!


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