Dream Pool Quick-Picks


South Carolina, 2020

The Dream

“Dream In The Park”

I had a dream I taught a group of people the word of God and at the end, I did a salvation call. All of the people got up and we moved from a classroom to a park. Almost to the end of the salvation prayer for some we were interrupted by men with mask and forced out of the park.

The Interpretation

This dream reveals how you are making a significant difference in the Kingdom of God.

The Lord seems to be revealing an interruption in the means by which you minister which would be a challenge for you, as ministry would be weakened for a time. No worries. This is temporary. God will be using you mightily… and soon!

Remember: Each of us receives our own dreams, and each of us knows our own state of affairs. Dreamers are intended to make the best interpreters of their own dreams as they grow in understanding of the parabolic language of dreams.

I’m not you, but that’s my view! Every Blessing!


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