Blog Categories Open to the Public
Posts By Category
Volumes of Dreams
Interpretation feedback brings accountability to the interpretation ministry, and authenticates its legitimacy. Visit dreams submitted starting a decade ago from the US and across the globe. What makes this category distinctive is that the interpretations include feedback from the dreamers! At least 50 more will be posted over time, so keep an eye out regularly for more!
Dream Elements & Themes
No prophetic dream can be understood without making sense of the dream ELEMENTS, that is, all the things that comprise the dream. While our courses address interpretation principles, our dictionary provides symbolic guidance for dream elements. Explore articles centered around dream elements and themes, their challenges, and some fascinating testimonies.
Interpretation Tips & Testimonies
Our courses primarily focus on the dream interpretation PRINCIPLES we deem essential. We recommend taking them to grow in making sense of your dreams. This category brings up issues which may not be included or highlighted in our courses or answers common questions. Expect authentic dreams complete with interpretations and real-life outcomes.
Encouragement & Strategic Living
No one is exempt from feeling discouraged or overlooked by God. From time to time, we tend to sink into spiritual amnesia, forgetting our blessings, the Father’s previous faithfulness, and the promises in the Word. In these times, we need encouragement, a boost, or divine strategy to empower and to help us navigate through what life has presented us with.
Dream Stories & Other Inspirations
If you’re not sure dreams can be insightful and game-changing, read these amazing accounts of how prophetic dreams and occurrences have been game-changers. Whether assisting at the crossroads of life, in life’s hurricanes, or in the sunny seasons… prophetic dreams can make all the difference. This category brings amazing personal testimonies of the Spirit-led life.
Dream Pool Quick-Picks
This collection of posts provides interpretation models for those seeking to increase their skills in decoding dreams. These QUICK-PICKS include some of the dreams selected from the shorter simpler dreams submitted from dreamers around the world to the DREAM POOL each month. Currently, the DREAM POOL is closed while we re-evaluate the program.
Who’s That Talking to Me?
Identifying the source of our dreams is critical to determining their value. If the dream is prophetic, its message will be reliable. And if it’s not, it will either be nonsense or deception. Here we discuss whether prophetic dreams are still possible today, what qualifies persons to receive them, and why they bring supernatural insight, guidance, encouragement, and comfort.
Just Sayin'
The is the category where you’ll find posts addressing topics that don’t fit well into the other categories. Here you’ll find a variety‒ Lynmarie’s personal dreams with interpretive comments, Raymond Remarkables, announcements, guest posts, dreams relevant to our community, prophetic dreams concerning the times, the USA, and the world… and more.
High Impact Prophecy
Relevant, educational, and intriguing‒ this category investigates prophetic dreams that address current issues and events, explores the end-time visions and dreams of the Bible, and includes related commentary posts. These focuses are fascinating and credible. Please send us any dreams you receive that you believe should be interpreted and shared.
Spiritual Warfare & Deliverance
Insight & strategies to encourage and cultivate deliverance from oppression, spiritual freedom & victory in Christ. May include testimonies.
This category enables you to easily access and watch the videos posted on our YouTube Channel. Typically posted expediently.
Features & Focuses
These articles are written specifically for viewers of videos posted on our Youtube channel. @propheticdreamers