Volumes of Dreams
Austin, Texas, 2014
The Dream
“Alligators and Rattlesnakes”
Hi, recently, I’ve been asking God to talked to me through dreams and God has shown me this one guy who I don’t know at school… In my dream, he was stalking me, following everywhere I went. My dream felt so real! Around him in my dream, I noticed that there were many yellow snakes around him. Another dream I have had of him is were he was fighting with his wife and I could feel his anger. There were alligators and I saw a rattlesnake.
The Interpretation
The majority of prophetic dreams are intrinsic, that is, about you, the dreamer, or directly about your life. There are a couple of possibilities in this dream. The guy may represent A) a spiritual attack on you. (Find out his name and check its meaning for symbolism) B) another guy in your life (very common possibility), or C) literally himself.
The elements in the dream indicate C may be the correct perspective. This sounds like God showing you that He CAN reveal mysteries to you, and a call to pray for for the fellow, with the dream giving you insight that he has underlying anger rooted in lies and fear, and resulting in verbal abuse. Minister to him only as led by the Spirit.
Dreamer Feedback or Outcome
I really appreciate everything you do reaching out to people, to show them and guide them into a deeper understanding of what the Lord wants to show them.
I had been praying for revelation of my dream and never received it. I just stopped worrying about it and thought ..the time will come when He wants me to get clarification. Boom, I found this sight!
I will continue to pray that your love and your wisdom will guide people in the truth and I speak blessings over your ministry now in the name of Jesus! Thanks so much! With a grateful heart.
Remember: Each of us receives our own dreams, and each of us knows our own state of affairs. Dreamers are intended to make the best interpreters of their own dreams as they grow in understanding of the parabolic language of dreams.
I’m not you, but that’s my view! Every Blessing!
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