Dream Element Talk
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Numbers‒ Category Description
Numerical symbolism arises primarily from creation, universal connotations and scripture.
UNIVERSAL IMPLICATIONS‒ Numbers in conjunction with money may be interpreted as loss or gain of favor or concerning the meaning of that number. The addition of zeros after numbers indicates increase of impact or importance.
SCRIPTURAL IMPLICATIONS‒ Numbers in the Bible may be interpreted in one or a combination of these ways: • Literary– as in Psalm 119 where 22 stanzas correspond to 22 Hebrew letter • Conventional– noting immeasurable amounts (Gen 41:49, forgive 70 x 7) • Rhetorical– figuratively/poetically to give unique meanings (Mt 24: 31) • Gematria– assigning numerical value to the Greek and Hebrew alphabetic (Rev 13:18) • Symbolic– established by contexts and patterns.
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Numbers 1-12
Numbers 13-30
Numbers 31-50
Higher Numbers
What is the significance of the number 70 please?
Rev Lyn I am not able to access the dictionary, is it open yet ?
My 3 yr old son woke up one morning about a week ago saying “thirty nine zero zero”. I wrote out the numbers instead of putting 3900 because thats exactly how he said it. What could this mean?
[Charlotte, the continuation might be at the bottom of the page, as I think I forgot to use the Reply button for the rest of my comment.]
(Charlotte’s dream, cont’d)… The apt bldg not being where you live would seem to indicate that you’re saved and/or that you no longer identify w/that group. Sounds like you’re trying to understand where you DO belong. “Jeremy” living there is puzzling, but Ps. 139:7-12 may shed some light… “Where can I go from your Spirit… If I make my bed in the depths…even there your hand will guide me…” The grace and love of Jesus are available to us wherever we go, as is His wisdom if we ask for that. Any of this fit?
Hi Charlotte – I have some thoughts on your dream that might help. Lynmarie made a note that the number 21 stands for “extreme sinfulness”, so you were on the right track about that. If a single apartment symbolizes going thru something common to man (Buildings section), an APARTMENT BUILDING might symbolize the fallen nature and sinful state of all mankind apart from the salvation found in Christ, or possibly the extreme sinfulness of a group of people (maybe known to you). The name Jeremy means “exalted of God”, which sounds like Jesus, the “name above all names.” (Cont’d below)
i had a dream about the number 21 last night. it was an apt building and that was the number on the door….only it wasnt my apt building. A man named Jeremy in the dream said “this is where i live. I’ll be here when you need me.” then hugged me. at first i felt nothing but love, but then i felt panic running around trying to find where i live and eventually stopping again infront of the apt door “21” someone said 21 means lawlessness, sin. what does this mean?
Hi Lynmarie,
I had this dream in the same night as the one i have posted under activities. The common feature in this dream was the number 7. My friend handed me a paper and she told me we owed 7,000 for our children school fees. Another friend of mine was telling me about the office rent which he had charged for the new tenant, the amount was 7,000 again.
What could be the significance of these amounts and especially my having this dream on the last day of month 7. Could my having this dream on the 31st July have any significance. Thanks
Since the number 7 Biblically represents totality, finality, fullness of time, and this price has to be paid, it looks like God is telling you that there will be a cost to obtain what He has planned for you, and that cost is TOTAL SOMETHING, such as total obedience, total dedication, etc. The Spirit will help you discern specifically what you are to give, and most likely the plan or gift is related to the other dream.
Thanks for your encouragement.
My honor. God bless.
Hi thanks. I have no idea. But the number 8 has been appearing physically over and over as well as the number 888. That’s the only. I understand its new beginnings but I have yet to see anything to suggest so.
It looks to me like God is telling you that while you are expecting “less”, He has plans to bring you “more”. There will be a new beginning of abundance, possibly financial in addition to other areas He plans to bless you in. Keep faithful and hopeful.
Dreamt that I went to buy air ticket to India for me and my sister. I called the agent and she say it’s $399 India Airlines. I was concern and worried about the smell. But when she sent me the cost (via email), it was by Cathay Pacific at $888 and the reference number for our tickets is 8008E and 8008F (can’t remember exact number, just that the first and last number is 8) and it was for 8 days and 6 nights. It was a lot more expensive than India Airlines.
The number 8 appeared 8x in the dream
You will have to discern what is going on in your life that could be represented by these airlines. The number 8 speaks of a new beginning associated with the Cathay Pacific Airlines. Your thoughts? Background?
Hi again Lynn, I don’t know if I should have posted this as a continuation to the previous dream or not. In my dream a friend by the name Shibe asked me to share a 2 bedroom apartment with her, rent would be 3900 and we would move in 3/12 (December 3rd).
Yes, that’s what I was thinking was the key, the broken tools. If I can manage to use them correctly, this sad situation won’t come about. I have been praying about that ever since I dreamed this several months ago! I’ve asked the Lord for the wisdom that I need, and since he says that He will give that generously, I’m counting on that. I do tend to be a worrier though… Thank you so much, Lynn, for your time and thoughts on this.
Hi again and thank you for the feedback! I do see the flower box and the bulbs as being more my friend, but the dream scene feels like it’s about how I handled witnessing and ministering to him as well as how I dealt with him on a more personal level, which have a lot to do with whether or not the relaionship flowers. And since the dream is about me revisiting a situation I had to do with 2 years before and I find tools there that were mine from 2 years before, wouldn’t that indicate that I would be the dreamer? Also, there’s another part to the dream that only seems to make sense to me if I’m the dreamer. But I’ll mull over the possibility you suggested…
Each dream about this situation is a jigsaw puzzle in itself, but they all seem to be part of a larger jigsaw puzzle picture that is coming together over time. The picture is rapidly being filled in lately, and I feel the culmination is near. Is this type of complex dream puzzle common?
You asked, “And since the dream is about me revisiting a situation I had to do with 2 years before and I find tools there that were mine from 2 years before, wouldn’t that indicate that I would be the dreamer?” I think you mean, “Isn’t the dream depicting a situation which involves me directly?”
Yes. I forgot that you revisited the house in the dream and the garden tools were yours. Therefore, this is about a situation which you had cultivated in the past. Pay attention especially to the symbolism connected to the broken tool.
Stones in the flower box could be words, but in any case arent soil so are in the way of growing. This dream has been very much on my mind since my friend went out of my life several months ago, wondered if I had already screwed it up. But now he’s back and God is still in the situation. Dimensions of the flower box 4′ x 18″: Just today added up the months apart and realized it has been 4 months. Hmmm… That’s what I’ve come up with so far. So sorry about the length of all this!! Thank you so much for your wise and anointed input. What do you think?
You are applying this dream to your relationship with this fellow. Only you can sense the application of the dream. You are the dreamer. I feel you are on the right track in your symbolism. Note that the property in the dream is a property that was never yours to start with, not YOUR situation. It seems like God is showing you details about someone else, so look at it from that perspective. If the dream is about your relationship with him, try looking at it from the opposite perspective… as if he dreamed it.
Flower box dream: Warning dream about how things will be at 2-year point if I screw things up. Had a previous daffodil bulb dream where they were in good deep soil, dormant but roots growing. The garden is the relationship/ministry. The bulbs are what God is growing in my friend. Red handled trowel is the anointed and wise planting tool I’m to use. Green handled cultivator is for tending what was planted. Broken handles are that something terrible happened to them. Poker tool maybe criticism? Wire cutters don’t know. Not enough soil and air pockets are that the proper growing process was somehow thwarted and the bulbs will never bloom. Relationship/destiny lost.
No, sorry, most recently OUT of my life for 4 months until 3 wks ago when God brought us together again. 2-3 dreams per night for 14 months, huge faith adventure, blessing dreams, warning dreams, revelatory re info or God’s perspective, prophetic dreams of future.
(I keep losing what I’ve typed cuz I accidentally hit the arrow button that moves to next category, so I’m going to put this in 2 or 3 posts…). This is another dream about my friend with the dreadlocks and strange back end. Long back story to this. In a nutshell, this guy and I have a prophetic destiny that Satan is trying to mess up. God has called us to be in partnership both personally and in ministry. I’ve committed to do it God’s way, have kept this just a friendship and my friend knows why. 14 months of intercession and warfare prayer so far. He has been in and out of my life several times as the battle waxes and wanes, most recently in until about 3 weeks ago. (Next post…)
I can figure out a lot of the above dream but don’t have a clue as to the significance of the dimensions of the flower box…
Please share what you sense the rest of the dream means, and I can respond to that. It might be more helpful since you are the dreamer and you know what’s going on in your life.
The dimensions of the flower box. Since you said “about”, the dimensions will relate more to time than to numbers. This may be like the baskets in the chief baker’s dream Joseph interpreted. A long narrow basket or container means a significant amount of time.
Dreamed I’m revisiting area where 2 yrs ago I worked on a garden, now area is being worked on by city landscaper. The person who owned the garden has lost their home & garden & all that’s left is this little flower box about 18″ x 4′. There are daffodil bulbs but can’t bloom cuz not enough soil & there are air pockets & stones. Buried in soil I find my old gdng tools, red handled trowel & green hndld cultivating claw, handles broken. Also weeding poker tool & wire snips, not broken. Feeling of sadness & loss. More to dream but thats main part. What does this mean? Thx.
The dream interpretation matches my situation I just recently left a church where My uncle was the pastor and me and his wife are very close. I left my uncle church last week to go back to my previous church to work in the ministry again. I was a aspiring missionary there before I left, and I left without Gods approval to go to my uncle church where I felt more comfortable. I keep dreaming of urinating at my physical work place on myself, and my co-workers or boss walks up while i’m doing it.
God is telling you in this dream to stop beating yourself up, stop receiving the condemnation sent your way. You are valuable just as you are!
Happy Holidays!
Last night I dreamed that I was walking through a field, like in the back of a school. I walked past the school through the field, up a hill. Once I got to the top of the hill I saw a street sign that said 277th. I thought I knew where I was going. I thought I knew exactly where the place was, but when I got to the top I didn’t see the building. I had gone way past where it was located.
Any signigance in numbers?
In this dream, God is calling you to make your way to the “place” He wants you. This is probably figurative such as a change of attitude about something. The fact that you “walked past the school” would seem to reinforce that.
Three-digit numbers are tough to make sense of in dreams. Perhaps this has a literal or personal meaning to you, or one that will come up in your future. Otherwise, we have to look at the number in groups. 7= Perfection, totality, finality, fullness of time. 2= Confirmation, agreement, covenant (or possibly division, separation). 27 has to do the good news of freedom and victory in Christ. Love to hear if putting any of this together makes sense in your life.
I dreamed me my mom Sharon and my first lady Evonne was leaving from church my mom was driving so Evonne told her to stop at the gas station to put some more gas in the car the tank wasn’t empty but she wanted it to be full we stop at the gas station and she wanted to put 10.00 in the tank she gave me the 10.00 i took it in the store to pay for it and made sure I got the receipt I dropped the receipt but made sure I picked it back up to show my first lady proof that I paid for the gas, my mom pumped the gas she also placed a white rose on the outside windshield of 1st lady car I remember ducking under a tree branch to go in the store to pay for the gas because it was real close to the car, my first lady stated Ruby needs to be working to because God has called her in the ministry too.
This dream seems to be revealing your church calling you to a ministry responsibility. Friendship, symbolized by the white rose, is connected to this.
Hello i had a dream that i was in my kitchen and my ex came in my home in the kitchen and i kiss him and he says glad to get that done first and hands me some spiderman pajamas pants for my son size 7 but i tell him he wear a size 5 or4 my son so was calling daddy daddy what does this mean please help…thank you
Not knowing your circumstances, I would suspect that your son likes Spiderman and I would say this about the dream:
While you are busy considering ideas and making preparations, the father of your son makes contact with you. God is pleased with your grace toward him, and has seen to it that something with regard to your son’s relationship with his dad will be completed or perfected.