Dream Pool Quick-Picks


South Carolina, 2020

The Dream

“Same Sex In Bed”

Reoccurring dream of laying/getting in bed with my best friend of the same sex. I always hesitate to get in bed with her but I always end up doing it. Also, my best friend had an explicit dream about me having sex with someone of the same sex, a woman.

The Interpretation

Normally, I would point you to the People Dream Dictionary as homosexuals are listed there. However, you seem disturbed by this, and that it’s repeated and dreamed also by a friend reveals its importance.

Homosexual activity in dreams speaks of a person’s acceptance of a disposition/orientation/perspective/attitude or even a literal spirit other than the Holy Spirit.

In particular, we have seen this refer to a spirit of independence, that is, an attitude of no need for a partner of the other gender. If you’re married, you most likely need to deal with some pride issues, because you may be under impression that you are superior to your spouse.

If you are single, look for a disposition/orientation/perspective/attitude that you give in to. Ask the Lord to help you deal with it from the inside out.

Remember: Each of us receives our own dreams, and each of us knows our own state of affairs. Dreamers are intended to make the best interpreters of their own dreams as they grow in understanding of the parabolic language of dreams.

I’m not you, but that’s my view! Every Blessing!


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