The Prophetic Link Between BUTLER & Trump’s BIBLELESS Inauguration

The Prophetic Link Between BUTLER & Trump’s BIBLELESS Inauguration

Lynmarie connects a prophetic dream about the absence of Secret Service protection to a powerful Holy Spirit revelation—bringing clarity to her concerns about President Trump’s rushed swearing-in and omission of placing his hand on the Bible. This insight unfolded after she sought the Lord’s guidance on whether the location of Trump’s assassination attempt held prophetic implications.

WITCH’S BLACKBIRD BLACKOUT: Fulfilled World Affairs Prophetic Dream

WITCH’S BLACKBIRD BLACKOUT: Fulfilled World Affairs Prophetic Dream

Lynmarie’s first interview with Antonio Rios explores two dream scenes predicting the pandemic months before its manifestation, exploring its origin, and ultimately assuring that “It will be OK.” These dreams reveal God’s perspective on this worldwide ordeal and that its source is demonic. Diving deep into the dream elements also helps develop interpretation skills. 25-minute video.

PANDAMONIUM COMING TO DC: Prophetic Dream Fulfillment Is On The Horizon

PANDAMONIUM COMING TO DC: Prophetic Dream Fulfillment Is On The Horizon

In Lynmarie’s first interview with Antonio Rios, he shares a 2024 dream which Lynmarie helps breakdown. The dream prophecies pandemonium for US government officials as they metaphorically flee for their lives, hoping to escape exposure from “pieces being put together.” This will be of no avail as the sanctuary they run to will not withstand the elements.

Oct 2020 Dream Prophesied 2020 & 2024 ELECTION OUTCOMES & More

Oct 2020 Dream Prophesied 2020 & 2024 ELECTION OUTCOMES & More

Revisit 3 of my prophetic election-related dreams. A 2020 dream revealed the 2024 election winner, as well as Trump to be temporarily set aside while Joe Biden would be sworn-in in 2021. 2016 dream showed Hillary’s struggle to remain unexposed, as well as the description of next woman to run for president (fufilled 8 years later). 3rd dream depicted what the Trump 2024 victory would look like.

FROM THE STREETS OF AURORA: Pastor’s 10 20 24 High Impact Prophetic Word

FROM THE STREETS OF AURORA: Pastor’s 10 20 24 High Impact Prophetic Word

I took this picture of the Aurora Rally Disprupters myself on 10 11 24. This video shares the prophetic words of a Pastor in Aurora, Colorado. Pastor Steven Cartwright, of The Refuge of Denver, an Aurora Colorado church, preached from I Kings 19 where Elijah had fled from Queen Jezebel and met the Lord there at a cave. The prophecy addresses a shift in both national and spiritual leadership that you won’t want to miss.



Prophetic Dream from a Washington state physician in 2019 not only predicted the upcoming PANDEMIC, but an exponentially larger Wave of Destruction to specifically hit the USA. See how this prophetic dream also prophesies a coming American Redemption! Could this be speaking of the 2020 election & the outcome of the Nov 5, 2024 election?



Don’t miss Lynmarie’s captivating personal account of the open vision she received prophesying the next US president at the time. Learn how this life-changing event opened her eyes to the Voice of the Holy Spirit. Hear the reasons she believes she was informed in advance of this historic presidential outcome while the rest of the world sat on pins and needles.



Curious if God can reveal Presidential election outcomes? Consider Lynmarie’s insights as she discusses this possibility and the biblical foundation for such revelations. Convinced that ordinary believers can receive extraordinary divine insight about world events, she announces her upcoming series which will revealing just such dreams sent from the Holy Spirit.

From Pickles to Presidents: Small & Far-Reaching Secrets Revealed

From Pickles to Presidents: Small & Far-Reaching Secrets Revealed

Curious about whether we can receive divine insights into world affairs as well as personal dilemmas? Lynmarie shares a testimony of receiving prophetic dreams addressing not only her personal matters, but surprisingly, even global events including 4 Presidential election outcomes. Join her as she shares a crazy but accurate prophetic dream.

Inspired & Calculated Risk-Taking: A Dreamer’s Best Friend

Inspired & Calculated Risk-Taking: A Dreamer’s Best Friend

Join Lynmarie in exploring the essence of inspired risk-taking, as she draws parallels between the boldness of America’s Founding Fathers and our modern-day callings. Discover the intricacies of discerning divine inspiration coupled with embracing calculated risks. Uncover the transformative power of aligning with God’s will to fearlessly pursue your assignments dreams.

The Independence Story- An Inspiration

The Independence Story- An Inspiration

Explore the divine inspiration behind America’s founding documents and the bold, faith-driven actions of the Declaration of Independence signers. Lynmarie sets the stage for a compelling discussion on how calculated, God-inspired risk-taking led to extraordinary freedom. Don’t miss tomorrow’s deep dive into elevating your own boldness and living beyond your wildest dreams.

SECRET SERVICE DEBACLE Prophesied Months in Advance

SECRET SERVICE DEBACLE Prophesied Months in Advance

Prophetic Dream Received by Lynmarie‒ Spring 2024 CAUTION: The SCENES in this dream (recieved on the same night) are HIGHLY SYMBOLIC and not to be taken literallty (although some dream elements may play out literally as well as figuratively when fulfilled). FYI: This...
CONTRASTING GATES: A Child’s Profound Prophetic Dream

CONTRASTING GATES: A Child’s Profound Prophetic Dream

Lynmarie shares a little girl’s profound and unusual dream that a she learned of while teaching children at a children’s conference. In breaking it down, she discovers that the dream is theological in nature and relevant to all mankind, as well as moving for Lynmarie as she discusses its implications.

5 GATES of HELL Prophetic Dream Revelations

5 GATES of HELL Prophetic Dream Revelations

Lynmarie shares 5 extraordinary insights God showed her in prophetic dreams about “the Gates of Hell” from Matthew 16:18. But what are these gates? Where are they? How do they function? Can we expect to come across them individually in this present world? Lynmarie addresses these questions and encourages viewers as to how to overcome them.

The GATES of HELL That May Affect You

The GATES of HELL That May Affect You

The metaphorical significance of “the Gates of Hell” from Matthew 16:18 may be somewhat understood in Christendom, but what are these gates? Where are they? How do they function? And can we expect to come across them individually in this present world? Lynmarie shares the extraordinary insights she received in several prophetic dreams. Part 1 of 2.