Interpretation Tips & Testimonies

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In Chronologically Descending Order
Hamburger, Hummingbird & Helicopter Dreams: Not Prophetic?
Ever wondered whether dream elements NOT found in the Bible can be included in God-given dreams? And if so, why? Here, Lynmarie explores prophetic dream symbolism beyond scriptural elements like seeds, fish, bread & sheep. With scripture reference & insightful interpretations of actual dreams, this video offers a fresh perspective on divine guidance in modern life.
Dads with Multiple Children: How to Decode Them in Prophetic Dreams
Lynmarie unveils in detail two decoding tips, specifically applicable to dreaming parents of more than one child. The focus of this post is to shed light on an additional conundrum for parents of multiple children who dream. Learn to not only understand what your child symbolizes in that dream, but why this particular child is in the dream.
My Husband, The Spirit of Suicide & Poor Old Job
Did you know that Job fell into suicidal ideation & that there is more than one demonic dream in scripture sent to God-fearing people? Lynmarie not only addresses these issues, but reveals some tell-tale signs of demonic dreams. By pairing Job’s descriptions of his demonic dreams (and their influence on him) with her husband’s incredible demonization, she unveils some important insight into an origin or suicide ideation.
My Encounter with a Demon Confirms Scripture
Can those with good intentions receive demonic dreams? Lynmarie delves into whether such dreams resonate with scripture or solely reflect personal encounters. By comparing a satanic dream from scripture with a hair-raising actual encounter with a demon, she comes to important conclusions about demonic dreams and manifestations.
Be Careful Who You Believe: A Demon May Be Talking
Discover the truth about whether believers can receive demonic dreams through scriptural as well as experiential evidence. Investigate a dream within the Bible exposed as satanic by Lynmarie. Take in the eerie details of her personal encounters with the demonic. Watch with caution as this compelling narrative reveals the potential dangers to distort truth and instill fear lurking in the unseen realm.
Jesus Loves Me This I Know: But What About the ARROWS BY NIGHT?
Curious about the biblical perspective on satanic dreams? This post explores whether such dreams align with scripture or stem only from personal experience. Drawing from Job, Acts, & Corinthians, she discusses the scope of Satan’s influence in the absence of restrictions, and whether there are actual examples of Satanic dreams in the Bible. Stick around for a deeper dive in the next 3 posts.
The Most Common PROPHETIC DREAM THEME for Mothers
Lynmarie delves into decoding the most common dream theme for mothers: dreams about their children. She explains how these dreams often carry prophetic messages and begins offering methods to decode their meanings. By simplifying the complexity of interpreting dream symbolism, she aims to empower mothers with divine insight.
CHILDREN: Annoying or Prophetically Anointed Unaware?
Part 2 of this series on the dreams of children. In this video, Lynmarie discusses the issue of the validity of children receiving prophetic dreams. The video includes related Bible verses, Lynmarie’s summary of her experiences with children’s prophetic dreams, and a sprinkling of dreams from her childrens and grandchildren which accurately brought insight, encouragement, comfort or guidance.
5 GATES of HELL Prophetic Dream Revelations
Lynmarie shares 5 extraordinary insights God showed her in prophetic dreams about “the Gates of Hell” from Matthew 16:18. But what are these gates? Where are they? How do they function? Can we expect to come across them individually in this present world? Lynmarie addresses these questions and encourages viewers as to how to overcome them.
The GATES of HELL That May Affect You
The metaphorical significance of “the Gates of Hell” from Matthew 16:18 may be somewhat understood in Christendom, but what are these gates? Where are they? How do they function? And can we expect to come across them individually in this present world? Lynmarie shares the extraordinary insights she received in several prophetic dreams. Part 1 of 2.
Beware of the Abominable AI
Lynmarie introduces the concept of “Abominable AI” proposing that Artificial Intelligence traces back to its original mastermind, Satan, who developed a similar system for his demonic army. AAI functions as a communication system that collects, stores & disseminates information on the people it targets‒ outlining 6 ways AAI operates.
The Intermittent Whisperer
Lynmarie explores the concept of the “Intermittent Whisperer” discussing how the “Father of Lies” influences not only our thoughts, but our dreams. Guiding viewers in identifying these dreams, she unravels some of the mystery behind these, addresses 4 relevant questions, and suggests some management techniques.
Dream Interpretation in a Day
This video introduces and explains a new resource that’s a dreamer’s delight– an online course designed for immediate and quick assistance to prophetic dreamers. Lynmarie believes the course– which features her 24-step dream interpretation protocol– to be groundbreaking. Available with membership.
The N-Word in Dreams- Part 2
Bringing further insight into the meaning of being called the N-word in her dream‒ and personal background connected to the application of that dream‒ Lynmarie provides vital perspectives on how to manage dreams where a character calls someone a derogatory name or disconcerting revelations about others are releveled.
The N-Word & NAME-CALLING Dreams
In the 1st of this 2-part series, Lynmarie explores the unsettling phenomenon of NAME-CALLING dreams, delving into a personal dream where her husband was called the N-word… & sharing how to discern the core meaning of dream elements. These dreams offer insight into how others secretly see us, guiding us to navigate relationships wisely.
DECODE & DISCOVER: Your Go-To Dream Companion
In this video, Lynmarie shares her transformative journey from dismissing dreams to experiencing deliverance, and then becoming a seasoned dream interpreter. You will find her explanation‒ as to how and why she believes that her take on dreams and her dream dictionary is accurate‒ to be relevant, enlightening, and convincing.
Dream Interpretation at Your Fingertips
Wishing you had a dream interpreter at your fingertips? Someone you could call on several times a week… at no cost. In this video, Lynmarie shares what she believes is the BEST PLACE to get free and accurate dream interpretation and why… and it’s not connected to her or
Blocking Dreams From Evaporation
Clad in her PJ’s, Lynmarie shares a technique to help you remember your dreams, even when they tend to evaporate upon waking. Acknowledging the struggle of waking up, she re-introduces the concept of “bubble dreams” and offers a practical solution to keeping your dreams intact until you can record them in a journal.
The Birth of Jesus: 7 Identifying Symbols
Lynmarie and her husband delve into the symbolism involved in decoding prophetic dreams by exploring the profound symbolism surrounding the birth of Jesus. Expect a fresh perspective on the prophetic signs present at the incarnation of Jesus. They present and explain 7 symbols, introducing unique perspectives.
Preventing Dreams From Vanishing
Have you ever experienced that frustrating feeling of waking up, knowing you had a dream, yet it slips through your fingers like a fleeting bubble? You’re not alone. In this presentation, we begin a series on how to preserve prophetic dreams though a focus on those elusive “Tip of the Tongue” dreams.
Dream Element Symbolism: 4 Secrets
In this fascinating video, Lynmarie shares 4 secrets to uncovering the meaning behind dream elements. Enjoy the rich meaning of TURKEYS in dreams via Ben Franklin. and others. Along the way, Lynmarie inserts some political opinion about the appropriateness of risk-taking as demanded, and the value of risk-taking as spirit-led.
Dreams of the Bible: One Thing To Glean
This video introduces an important concept for understanding the dream language used by God in the dreams of the Bible. Lynmarie navigates through 4 dreams in-a-row in the book of Genesis to establish an important point concerning accurate dream interpretation. Some of the tidbits shared are fascinating and may bring you new details.
The Power of SIMPLE Dreams
In this video, Lynmarie of dives deeper into dream interpretation by introducing the “Simplicity Test.” Building on her previous videos about identifying prophetic dreams, she explores this critical test designed to discern the prophetic potential of dreams, using “mall dreams” as an example.
Pumpkin Dream Breaks a Curse
In this video, Lynmarie shares a captivating story of how a dream helped her and her husband overcome darkness. The dream includes pumpkins and corn, initially seems unrelated to reality, but the dream’s interpretation unravels a surprising connection between these dream elements and the dreamer’s life.
Caveat on The Remoteness Test
Caveats as apply to dream interpretation principles are EXCEPTIONS. This post explains the CAVEAT connected to the REMOTENESS TEST to help identify your prophetic dreams… and typically applies to the dreams of experienced dreamers… increasing their effectiveness in making sense of them.
My REMOTE George Soros Dream Testimony
This video introduces Lynmarie’s REMOTENESS test to help dreamers identify prophetic dreams. Her fascinating example involves George Soros gifting her a special hat in front of Harvard in New York City. She interprets the dream and shares how it played out in real life.
The MOST COMMON Dream Interpretation Mistake
In this video, Lynmarie addresses a prevalent error that many dreamers make when interpreting their dreams, an error which blocks them from discovering the TRUE message which would prove enlightening and beneficial. She shares 2 dreams as examples of how to avoid this mistake.
My BIZARRE Drunk Glenn Beck Pizza Dream
This video presents Lynmarie’s BIZARRENESS test to help dreamers determine whether their dreams are prophetic or not. As an example, she relays a dream of a very drunk Glenn Beck delivering her a pizza, interprets the dream, and shares how it played out in real life.
IMPRESSED by Beef and Blindness Dreams
This video introduces what Lynmarie calls the IMPRESSIVENESS test to help identify whether a dream is prophetic. She includes and explains 2 fascinating dream stories from her childhood and young life… one of chewing expanding beef and the other of macular degeneration.
This video highlights the original meaning of the term prophetic and how it influences the scope of prophetic dreams. While inviting listeners to look to dreams for FORTHTELLING which provides present insight, she shares a dream story involving a woman who lost her fiancé.
Changing The Future Through Prophetic Dreams
In this video, Lynmarie takes us on an exploration of the power of prophetic dreams and their potential to shape our lives and even our destinies. Focusing on how we can change the future via prophetic dreams, she relays a dream of wrestling with a polar bear, and how it brought a heads-up during a real-life struggle.
Do All Prophetic Dreams Accurately Predict The Future?
Today, I’m going to answer that question by sharing 2 purposes for prophetic dreams.
The short answer as to whether all all prophetic dreams accurately predict the future is NO. It’s NO because prophetic dreams have a variety of purposes… not because their accuracy is questionable. The word prophetic in Greek literally means forthtelling, not foretelling.