Dream Element Talk
& Requests
Proper Names‒ Category Description
The #1 symbolism type for PEOPLE in dreams is hidden in their NAMES. In fact, of the 12 PEOPLE SYMBOLISM TYPES, this one applies more than all the others put together.
We can often unlock a dream’s message by identifying the correct meaning for a person’s NAME. In fact, a person’s first name in a dream may hold the key to its entire interpretation.
People enter into our dreams posing as characters, when actually, they are often included because of the meaning of their names.
Just imagine each character in your dream holding a sign with their name on it. Many proper names carry one meaning only, but some carry several… and that’s when discernment is called for based on the dream context, the real-life context or the dreamer’s heritage.
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Proper First Names Starting With A-B-C-D
A Names‒ Generally Female
A Names‒ Generally Male
B Names‒ Generally Female
B Names‒ Generally Male
C Names‒ Generally Female
C Names‒ Generally Male
D Names‒ Generally Female
D Names‒ Generally Male
Proper First Names Starting With E-F-G-H
E Names‒ Female
E Names‒ Male
F Names‒ Female
F Names‒ Male
G Names‒ Female
G Names‒ Male
H Names‒ Female
H Names‒ Male
Proper First Names Starting With I-J-K-L
I Names‒ Generally Female
I Names‒ Generally Male
J Names‒ Generally Female
J Names‒ Generally Male
K Names‒ Generally Female
K Names‒ Generally Male
L Names‒ Generally Female
L Names‒ Generally Male
Proper First Names Starting With M-N-O-P
M Names‒ Generally Female
M Names‒ Generally Male
N Names‒ Generally Female
N Names‒ Generally Male
O Names‒ Generally Female
O Names‒ Generally Male
P Names‒ Generally Female
P Names‒ Generally Male
Proper First Names Starting With Q-R-S-T
M Names‒ Generally Female
M Names‒ Generally Male
N Names‒ Generally Female
N Names‒ Generally Male
O Names‒ Generally Female
O Names‒ Generally Male
P Names‒ Generally Female
P Names‒ Generally Male
Proper Names Starting With U-V-W-X-Y-Z
U Names‒ Generally Female
U Names‒ Generally Male
V Names‒ Generally Female
V Names‒ Generally Male
W Names‒ Generally Female
W Names‒ Generally Male
X Names‒ Generally Female
X Names‒ Generally Male
Y Names‒ Generally Female
Y Names‒ Generally Male
Z Names‒ Generally Female
Z Names‒ Generally Male
Proper Names‒ Commercial
Avis Car Rental
Ford Motor Company
Hertz Car Rental
Target Store
Sears Store
Smith & Wesson Schofield
I think so! Several months ago, I’d prayed about hosting a church study group, but at that point, He told me my motives weren’t pure. I’ve been wondering for a while whether I’m ready now, and this definitely encourages me.
To be honest, I’m not sure how the prophetic will come into this yet, but I’ll give an update when this becomes clearer. Thank you for your help!
Well, your motives are pure now! And when you are weak, He is strong. The prophetic is associated with Daniel, but in this instance, Daniel most likely symbolizes uncompromising in conviction! So when challenged, stick with what you know is truth! Go for this!
Hi Lynmarie! Could you help with my dream? I’m thinking about hosting a Bible study:
I see the special pet food I make and to the right is a blue bowl. Though I don’t see it move, I know the food is trying to and is loud so (so loud that it woke me up!). The image of David Wood, a Christian apologist, floats next to them, and the dream draws attention to ‘David’. Then below, I see the angel Gabriel – except the dream insists his name is Daniel. The image of Nabeel Qureshi, who is also an apologist, pops up nearby.
It looks to me like God is calling you to prepare for bringing people to understand more about how Jesus is the way, truth and life, and with prophetic somehow a component. Either God guiding you prophetically, or you bringing the prophetic into your project. Does this make sense?
Very cool! 🙂 Thanks for the confirmation!
Hi Lynmarie – just posted a dream in the food section, had this one just before it. Dreamed I was in a well-lit area on a bed (?), lying in a somewhat intimate manner on an old friend of mine from my teens named Norman (meaning northman). Was telling him about difficult life last few years, felt very comforted. Could this be my angel? Have had several dreams recently about a bright shining protector. Thanks!
Yes, north is a celestial and eternal symbol.
Aha! Alright then. I’ll take it! Thank you, Lord. And thank you, Lynmarie. I don’t know what I would do without you at this point in my life, truly. Your help has been invaluable to me in giving me the faith to stick it out in this war. I’m so, so weary…
I’m sorry! Won’t happen again. This just seemed like such a key dream and I wasn’t sure which elements might be important, tried to summarize as best i could. I would have thought the opposite interpretation, that Jesus/ the Holy Spirit was moving away from him because of his continued rebellion… Can you explain more how you came to that conclusion? I can see the light being shone on the elaborate philosophies part, and boy, are his philosophies elaborate, that sure fits! And are the disaster dreams just referring to the ongoing warfare? Thanks!
Dream context, other dreams. Proper names- craftiness/ruler– both refer to Satan. The disaster and falling dreams… within the context, tornado speaks of the Lord uncover everything so it’s clear. Tsunami can be similar- like getting a big epiphany. Falling from the plane to safety- no need to ride this war in the air any more!
Reddish wood archways & paneling, nicked up but indicate house had been fine. Wayne means craftsman or wainwright, Harris is from Harry/Henry, ruler of the home. Maybe Jesus (carpenter/craftsman)? Dream in context of several disaster dreams affecting someone nearby – I’m protected) 4-fingered tornado, tsunami, me falling from airplane height but planning landing in green spot where I can survive fall. Wondering what name might signify, rest pretty apparent. Warning dreams re G maybe? Worrisome. Thx.
Looks like your friend will be getting a new Lord, moving from elaborate but wrong thinking to simple truth as God uncovers the falsehoods in his philosophical beliefs. Hallelujah. Keep praying, warring in the Heavenlies. The time of prayer fulfillment is coming.
Hi Lynmarie – dreamed I’m in neighbors’ house w/unseen person. Neighbors have moved out, I keep saying how surprised I am. Say it must have happened while I was at school (sense of that being college). Neighbors’ last name was Harris (did have neighbors IRL by that name thru high school). I mention neighbor boy was Wayne, “my first love” (also true IRL). House is old Victorian, all rooms are dirty & full of trash. Lots of circular motifs incldg area of floor w/sections of inlaid wood, some light shining on it from above, and a turret room. Contd below…
Oops. Rules are 1 comment per dream.
Yes I know him. He’s a friend.
Hard to tell if John is literal or meaning the grace of God because I don’t know the background. Polka dots would depict child-like or childishness. If John is literal, he is saying that he already has his mind set and he doesn’t need the childishness someone is trying to sell him.
OR God is saying to you that HIS Grace is in place and doesn’t involve childishness.
I remember drifting off and having a vision of John and I had some black and white suits. Looked white with white polka dots. A kid asked did he have one. He already grabbed one off the rack. He said “I have one. Im fine thank you”. He told that to the kid annoyed as to say I know I need to put it on I know I needed one I got one.
Is this John someone you know? What is your relationship with him?
He’s someone i know. A friend