Dream Element Talk
& Requests
Objects‒ Category Description
Objects, items, and implements are great dream symbolism elements since there are unlimited possibilities which may bring clear revelation. Their symbolism is often determined by universal, cultural and historical factors.
The difficulty with objects is that there may be so many in the dream that the dreamer may have to discern which ones are details and to be ignored and which ones are worth noting and understanding.
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Arrow/ Dart
Automatic Rifle
Sharp Knife
Pocket Knife
Money Related
Credit Cards
Debit Cards
Foreign Currency
Counterfeit Money
School & Educational
Math Book
Biology Book
School Desk
ACT Test
Office & Business
Cell Phone
Desk Drawer
Office Supplies
Fax Machine
Packing Tape
Pendaflex Folders
Pendaflex Frames
Building Materials & Tools
Chalk Line
Wood/ Lumber
Cutting Corners
Musical Instruments & Musicians
Keyboard/ Piano
Bass Guitar Player
Magnifying Glass
Ziploc Bag
Electric Fan
Remote Control Device
Award Ribbons
Holes in Objects
Yes, this is confirmation…
I had a vision that I was on the couch sleeping. I saw my spirit come out of my body some and look toward my computer desk. On the left hand bottom corner of the desk, I saw about 25-30 debit cards stacked up and I knew that the funds were available to me. The top one had PAID IN FULL stamped on it in red. There was more writing on the card that I don’t remember. On the bottom side of the card there was a phone number 281 on it and the other numbers were bleeped out (that’s a number that is in my area because it didn’t have an area code). I went back in my body looking sad.
Hi Tanti
This sounds like you have favor from God available to you and Paid in full in red would be to do with God confirming that your account has been paid for through the blood of the lamb therefore you do not need to worry if you are in right standing with God. The meaning of numbers you saw – 2= agreement,covenant, 8= new beginning, 1 = unity or unique
Does this make sense Tanti ?
Hi Lyn!
I had a dream of me singing in a girls group but we were not prepared and when I went to share this to the audience they got extremely upset and criticized me specifically. As we left, three of us went to the bathroom, where we examined that the bathroom was dirty and the toliet needed to have clean water. Two of my friends became obsess with fixing the piping of the toilet and began to try and buy pipes. While I was concern about the lack of clean water in the toilet and procceded to look for clean water. I’m definitely confused and wondered what does the pipes and dirty water signify? Thanks!
Hi Lyn – Merry Christmas! Element request (you’re still answering those, right?): What would glasses and sunglasses represent? Also have had a dream of blue lenses with black rims, and a dream of clear lenses with black rims. All on someone else. Thanks!
Glasses tell us something about the perspective of the person wearing them. First, whether they are seeing clearly or not. Clear lenses indicated seeing clearly. Blue tinted speaks of communion with God and God’s perspective on a situation or situations. Darkened lenses may reveal a lack of hope in the Lord. The color of the rims in addition to lens color may be insignificant- black, for instnace, to get the dreamer to notice the glasses.
So the most important one that I am facing at the moment is concerning my son – he has a pilots license hasn’t pursued in getting a job ( something has been stopping him ) as a result feels shortchanged and thinks we are all responsible for his failure to move forward so a big ruckus ( strife) at home at the mo. The other thing is I haven’t been given promotion at work for a long time but it’s not bothering me so much. Third was my husband (and his family )himself who was a bit of challenge but his behavior( strife) has settled because of my son mentioned above who has clearly restrained him
Appreciate your sharing. I can SO relate to the son blaming family for his failures; that’s exactly where we are at with one of our sons! And sadly, we are astranged and waiting for him to see the light. I will write a prayer card on this so I can be diligent to pray for your situations. God will continue to speak into these situations, but I don’t believe the phone-dream does. Children are not symbolized as spouses, and the job situation doesn’t really fit.
Just wanted to add that my first reaction to the dream was that God is bringing an end to the things I am struggling with. Sorry did not think about your ministry but GOD surely has a message for you in there as my heart goes out to you in all your struggles and I pray for you every now and again.
BUT I must admit that the I had a slight element of doubt in me that the enemy tries to bring . Thanks soooo much for clarifying and confirming.
OK- so know that the dream only speaks to ONE application. Find a “partner” in your life, something or someone you are partnered with that needs “eternal” REST from stife or activity. Can you name something or someone in particular? Shoot me some ideas if you want, and I’ll help see if anything works. So somthing or someone you are “adhered to” in some way.
Wow Lyn that’s amazing news!!!
I am sure it applies to your ministry as I somehow feel so part of your ministry now but haven’t been finding time to contribute more. It should also apply to other areas in my life that I have had great struggles and have been persevering with. PRAISE GOD FOR HIS MERCIES HE NEVER LEAVES US ALONE!!!! HE ALWAYS COMES THROUGH!!
I am not sure if she said God was saying that so just wondering if this dream is from GOD or not
By the way you describe it, I’d say it is from God. Several notes with this. 1) we see 9 times out of 10 that God uses spouses as a symbol rather than literal, so he represents something or someone you are “partnered with”. For instance, it could even be this ministry since you are partnered with us by your commitment to serve others in ministry…
A prophesy of eternal rest would almost always be taken as a positive, that the person or thing associated with this term has strived for a long time, and will finally come “home” to a last or long season of rest… situations resolved.
FYI- we have to be very careful about interpreting our responses to dreams, even the ones while within the dream while we are still sleeping. This issue came up this week in connection to a suicide dream. The dreamer was of course very disturbed as a friend in a couple of dreams was about to commit suicide.
Dream scenes look like 1 entity, yet they are sometimes 2; that is, they contain seamlessly a message from God and our natural reaction to what we see in the dream…
For example, when I dream I am about to give birth, I respond by looking for a midwife (while others might look for a hospital). That part of the dream is my reaction to the dream rather than the actual message from God. My searching for a midwife carries no real meaning. Hope that helps. Hope you dream was about us, LOL. The long season of striving and unresolved issues actually fits, come to think of it.
I am not sure if the person said God is saying or not but the message was to do with the eternal rest and my husband wondering whether it is from God or not?
Called my husband’s phone in the dream last night and had someone else ( a lady )answer saying God is giving my husband eternal rest. I began to scream in panic calling his name again and again but did not sense grief. What might his mean??
Also forgot to mention that the Lord showed me this in the early hours before dropping off the children to see their dad in a contact centre for the first time
Thank you so much Lynmarie!Yes, I totally think you are right.The demonic is at work and I truly thank God for his protection. I can totally relate to what you have shared.Thank you and bless you.
Dreaming of someone who is planting listening-in bugging devices and I have uncovered and thrown them out -does this mean that I have been revealed what their lies or deception is and therefore can reject the claims?
You are on the right track, but notice they are listening devises rather than speakers. This dream speaks of positioning yourself for protection against demonic spying on you. Just this week I ran across a situation where it was if the ex-husband sociopath seemed to have known exactly what the ex was saying about him; it was knowledge via the demonic. Your dream shows pretty high-level protection! Praise God!
I was headed in my house when I saw a man loading up a gun and he was headed for my house. I went in and locked all the doors. As I was going to my bedroom I was grabbing all the purses that I saw and took them on the room with me. I closed both of my bedroom doors. Then I saw one wasn’t closed all the way, so I went back to close it all the way. Then I was looking for my phone so I could text my mother to let her know that I might get shot.
Followup on bomber planes dream – I attended a prophetic leadership conference that wknd (talk about timing!), was HUGELY ministered to by Holy Spirit, and had internal vision of the first of the bomber planes crashing & burning w/the others following close behind. Praise God! And prophetic Word that that power had been swept aside like nothing. IRL the threats w/specific timeframe came to nothing. Have had 2 flood dreams w/repetition of elements though, so maybe not over. Pursuing God w/all my heart.
This is exactly what I’ve been thinking, their last-ditch attempt to ruin God’s plan in the most destructive way possible. It fits with my warfare and commands (eviction ntc, waiting for God to back me up) and other dreams ive had. Also, remember the tornado, tsunami, and falling from amthe sky dreams? Dbl meanings, pos and neg is what i figured and am seeing play out. I took on some very powerful spirits, so this is what i get, i guess… But yes, no more grace or relenting from me to him, it’s all about MY welfare now.
Specific interpretation of this particular dream witin dream within dream: Since the dream involved G being next to me as I slept, holding this little box in his right hand, and me receiving things repeatedly for him to put in the box as I wake up each time… hand referring to relationship, HIM holding the box, for 1 thing I think validates my having told him many of the dream promises, plus says what God is talking about is our relationship.
Yeah, attempt to isolate fits. He’s trying to intimidate me into not talking to anyone or getting any form of assistance including law enforcement. Am at the courthouse getting a TRO as we speak. II Timothy 1:7, NO FEAR. Had a good dream last nite about promise of great clarity, order and peace. Praise the Lord for His plan, He WILL be glorified. So, so sad though in the meantime. What is with this guy?????
In my experience, it’s always darkest before the dawn. To be more specific- demons are especially aroused when they sense their days are numbered. We’ll keep believing and lifting him up. But these days are about YOU. Treat yourself to something!
Sorry, I meant to ask – is it the fact that my dream was about dreaming within a dream that makes it a DEFINITE promise from the Lord? Just want to understand the signicance of that type of dream in general. I had been wondering if i would ever have one of those, and now I have! Thanks!
You’ve got it. That’s right. And we have experienced it in our family several times. Usually with very important or large issues, I might add. Are you thinking this one speaks to what is going on right now? If so, how would you revise my general interpretation to a specific one (15 Keys Course)?
You would not believe how much I need this promise from the Lord right now. MAJOR spiritual attack from demonic forces thru G these last couple of weeks and major warning dreams of worse to come. He won’t accept no for an answer and has made serious threats. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME. Last nite dream of 2 lg squadrons of bomber planes dropping out of 2 lg dark storm clouds that also looked like a web of tent caterpillars, coming to destroy. I hope your situation went well, was praying.
Wow. How things change! This dream is clear. And tent caterpillars– intention to isolate. You are to back off and give him to the Lord until He directs you differently. I will be praying, and thanks for your prayers. We did come to some resolution and a much better place, but like my hand, much “therapy” (activity) is needed in the relationship to get things working again (I have only about 15% range of motion- way waqy behind the curve- need prayer on that, too long retrained).
Just dreamed about a man who I do not know who was my father in the dream. He tried to kill me with a gun. I kept trying to hide in the dream. One of the places I remember hiding in was the bathroom in the bathtub. At some point he ended up giving me the gun to shoot him but it was a trick so he could take the gun from me to shoot me. I ran with the gun to mom crying letting her know he tried to kill me. Felt hysterical and heart was pounding upon waking up.
My goodness! Here’s the interpretation: Satan has plans to stop you from doing something because he knows that that particular something is of God. You will be tempted to take up a power thinking it will serve you well, but it won’t. Beware of that, and know that the Holy Spirit is near to guide you.
I should clarify, the things to go in the box were either not specified in the dream or too vague for me to remember, other than the box to go inside the 1st box, and possibly another box added later to the 1st box. In the dream this sequence happened a number of times, dreaming, waking up, telling G, going back to sleep. Hope this makes sense. Thanks for your insights!
Got it. Yes. God is being a little coy, that is, leaving something vague either to keep you allured and listening, or because he likes to save especially-good-news like a parent hides Christmas gifts.
Hi Lynmarie – I had a dream last night involving dreaming within that dream and then also dreaming within the 2nd dream that was within the 1st one. I know i saw somewhere in the site about the significance of that type of dream, but I can’t find it. This one involved G holding a little cardboard box in one hand and me then dreaming about something to go in the box, at least once about another box to go in the box. In the dream(s) i would then wake up and tell G about the latest thing to go in the box. Also something in the dream about mustard – the substance of faith?
What God is talking about WILL BE FULFILLED. It is going to happen no matter what. It is ordained to happen. Empty boxes represent something that needs filling. Mustard most likely symbolizes the result of faith, that something is coming on account of faith. Put this together with your own spiritual discernment. It sounds like good news to me.
Hi Lynmarie,
As we were praying today my friend had a vision of some sort were she saw boxes all around her piled up high. They were like cart boxes and she said she didn’t feel like they were in her way but she was at peace. The boxes didn’t feel empty either. Would you know what the boxes would suggest? Thanks in anticipation.
Without knowing more, I would suggest that this is a very positive dream indicating that an abundance of good things such as answers to prayers await her! If she a prayer warrior or minister, God is confirming the power of her activities. He will bless.
I had a dream recently where I was meeting with two cousins and they noticed that my wedding ring was missing and I told them that there were issues and the marriage ended.
What is important is that the wedding ring is missing in the dream, and that something appears to have ended. God is not saying that this partnership, relationship, connection is supposed to end, just that this is the current state. Ask Him, and He will tell you if this is good or bad, if you should repair it or let it go.
awesome. thank you. that fits in with the rest of the dream.
What would glasses represent? I am thinking if eyes are vision it is related to that. My husband had a dream and one detail was he had forgotten his reading glasses. Thanks.
God is telling him to focus on something up-close… really zero in on the details of something.
A second alternative is a call to read something, but we usually see a book in those dreams.
Thanks Lynn. I knew you were going to say that I knew what the dream was saying, and I did to a degree. Lol…. Looking forward to the new season. I start my new job next week, and I will keep some clients from this present job. I want to see how long working a full time and part time job will work. God is sooooo good to us. I thank him for you!!!!
Good morning Lyn. I pray that you are enjoying this day to the fullest.
Dreamed I earned my PhD, and I was announced as Dr. Barbara Sharp.
Also dreamed I was with a group of people, I mentioned that at my previous graduation they gave us Rolex watches. I began searching for my watch, but couldnt find it. Someone came to me and said they could possibly get my watch back, as it had been stolen. I got in the car with Sheila, she drove and soon there after the watch was returned to me.
Thanks Lyn….
I am “Enjoying My Everyday Life”, thanks for asking… especially with the help of dreams calling me to be grateful for what God is doing in my family rather than lamenting at the temporary disconnections.
So the Lord is moving you up, a new season, a higher level! There will be some struggle which may take some time, but the timing is God’s timing, so it’s perfect! Also, you won’t know where you’re going for this season, but you WILL get there… and ON TIME. It’s going to be awesome!
But you knew all that, right? This is just confirmation. You must be getting good at interpreting these. Hey, during this season, why not finish the course. God can sure use you after you graduate from that… Every Blessing!
Thanks for your insights, those were helpful. This dream could be about a couple of things, I’m thinking probably it’s about the fulfillment of prophecy re me and my friend G, or about prophecy about my ministry to come. I guess I’ll have to do more thinking and praying on it.
The warfare is the ongoing battle for G’s freedom and salvation. He’s close to his breakthrough, but Satan does NOT want to let him go, and demons are really manifesting. So I could really use prayer for guidance and wisdom about how to come against them most effectively. The battle is particularly intense right now. I know you can relate! Thank you!
Yes, I can relate. Because we are going through similar situation, I will be praying for G as I pray for mine. Peace is a weapon as well as war. By that I mean inner peace. The devil hates it! God Bless you today.
Hi again -I think I know now what this dream is about, but if you get a chance to look at it, it would be interesting to see what your take is on it. I need to put the dream course on hold for a week or two. Major spiritual warfare going on right now, need to fast and hit it with all guns blazing. Blessings to you.
The 1st part of the dream seems to show that you’re thinking you should be cultivating something, perhaps this mentoree, but God’s saying it isn’t time yet. I’d take $20 as having to do withredemption. Kim may be symbolizing the prophetic or whatever stands out about Kim. See if that helps at all. Also, thanks for the head-up on the course. How can we pray?
On second thought… I think this may be a key dream, could use a little more help. The rest of it: I showed up at these people’s house to do some gardening work, discovered I had written down the wrong Saturday, it wasn’t for another month. Had a mentoree w/me. Went to the garage sale part, friend w/me became an old friend of mine named Kim (recent prophetic word for me was from a Kim). She also wanted the tote bag but realizrd I should have it. Significance of the # 2 + 0 for cost? Kim mesns “royal fortress clearing or woods. ???
Wow, excellent! Putting that with the rest of the dream, that gives me exactly the guidance I needed. I dream a lot about floral fabrics, so that’s neat to know what flowers represent. I appreciate your ministry so much, Lynmarie! It brings such blessing to me. Thanks!
Good. Glad that helped!
Hi Lynmarie – it’s pesky ol’ me again… What would a tote bag represent? A purse is like a wallet only larger, involving life issues; is a tote bag like a larger purse? One dream site says it’s to do with a journey. Dream last night was a variation on a tote bag: the bag was floral fabric, like a bucket bag w/round bottom. Cost $20 at a garage sale put on by people who worked at “Logos.” I really wanted it. What would it costing $20 mean? Appreciate your thoughts. Thx!
Here’s my take. You are right on… like a larger purse or perhaps concerning a journey (depends on the size of it). Floral is very good; there is a positive fragrance connected to this. The $20 indicates that there is acost to obtain the redemption you are looking for, and it can be found in the Word of God.
Lynmarie, thank you very much for the help and patience. The picture become much more clear to me. I think that this dream was a call to pray for a person, who needs fixing, that he could receive help from God. Yes the tree is a intercessor, an ax- to chop something-God will show what I hope, and a ladder is prayer. I don’t understand another part of a dream yet, but I will keep pondering. Thank you very much. Blessings
Hello:) Thank you very much for the answer:) I don’t have any significant connections at that time, except my family members. I’m working at home on my own. So, maybe it will be literal? Could it be that nobody wants to help, women who rent the ladder is our friend intercessor and through her intercession is excess to a highly place( Jacobs ladder). And message of fixing is related with the cross (Jesus hung on the tree) and repentance (chop up what God doesn’t like – an ax). I thought, that answer is to trust God in his protection, but maybe God shows, that is need of carrying the cross every day and repentance, through that we can become mature believers ( big mature tree). Lynmarie could be interpretation in that way?
Thank you very much for your time and efforts, when I read your thoughts, picture become more clear to me. Thank you very much. God bless you.
Yes, you as the dreamer know more than anyone else what is going on in your life and what the application might be. If you have an intercessor friend, the dream could involve her since you have to “rent” the ladder. So, as you say, the ladder could represent reaching God through prayer. In this scenario, perhaps the tree symbolizes her as an intercessor.
The ax may be revealing that in addition to intercession on your behalf, you need to chop something out of your life such as bitterness or fear (as you suggested). I have seen an ax used that way before.
In the dream you think it might be simpler to use another ladder that was right there available to you without having to rent it. I can’t say what the wall may mean, and I sense that will come to you, but this would suggest you think it would be easier to pray for yourself. Problem is, there is no ax available there.
Add these thoughts to your pondering the dream’s meaning and see it they lead you to what makes sense in your situation.
Hello, again:) Two weeks ago I had a dream: My husband is needed to fix something, he is looking for a ladder. Nobody wants to give him a ladder. At the end a woman rented him a ladder. This ladder was hanging on a very big tree and an ax hung at the end of this ladder. Tree was green, looked healthy. At that time I saw another ladder, which was placed near the wall. My thought was: maybe the more simple way would be to use this ladder.
Sorry, that I’m writing so often, but I really couldn’t understand some dreams. Thank you very much for real help.
No trouble at all. Glad to help. A husband in a dream more times than not symbolizes something you are partnered with such as a contract, signed document, job, etc. Look for an application that fits that description first before exploring that he might be literal.
God is most likely saying in the dream that something you are in partnership with is in need of fixing by movement to a higher place. But you are looking in the wrong place- to a leader. And you would need to chop up someone or something to move to this higher position. The answer is next to a wall, a barrier or protection. Ask God for more info. Do you see what area of your life this might apply to?
Thank you for confirming my thoughts on the pictures, and enlightening me about them being on the walls. Bless you!
Thank you – needed to hear that!
Really need help with this one. Several nights ago, I dreamt that I had been given four million dollars to spend. Most of the dream was spent planning how to spend it wisely. Needless to say, I was quite disappointed to wake up and find that it was all a dream…it seemed so real. This is the 2nd time in two years that I’ve dreamt about large sums of cash.
Glad this was so recent. It’s a wonderful sign of favor from the Lord. Remember that all good gifts come from Him- James 1:17. God is letting you know that He is going to be bringing great blessing on you. Why is He telling you that now? Often, it’s because at this point you need the encouragement and God wants you to keep a the faith and a positive attitude.
I am curious to know the meaning of pictures. Today my 5 yr old nephew told me he had a dream (with me in it) that had elements of pictures with their mouths open on my walls in my house and then the pictures on his walls in his house did the same.
Without speaking the entire dream (bc it was his dream) I do wonder what pictures mean. I’ve had a few dreams with pictures in it too, but when this dream was told to me, my spirit became…. Stirred.
Pictures generally have to do with memories. If they are on the wall, that would prophesy that the issue or event will be remembered, that it’s large enough to be a significant part of that area of the person’s life.
FYI- Similarly, I had a flash dream this week about my husband loosing his camera. That would be talking about the ability or capacity to remember. Since I am partnered with several endeavors, including website development; this tells me to watch out for something not remembering right. Or more likely, he could be representing his sister and confirming her diagnosis of dementia last week.
thank you, I currently have no idea what it could be but I’ll stay expectant and in prayer 🙂
thanks I did feel it was literal but thinking about it more – could it point to different job opportunities or something to do with my career? because it occurred in my workplace?
Yes, the setting is important. We can’t overlook it. Sometimes God surprises us, yet gives us breadcrumbs to expect what is prophesied (in a general way) and then know what to do when the time comes. It is looking more and more like this has to do with your work, workplace or something that comes forth out of your work.
I should add that even though I had my back to them and faced the other way the whole time, it is like I could see them and knew they were there.
Well, I know we’re thinking the man might be literal, but perhaps he symbolizes something- and you should ponder that. Either way, he or what he represents has apparently “birthed” something that has something for you. The “keys” to something, so access or important information.
The last question about why they are behind you… it might be a clue that they are both symbolic because they “have your back!”
Hi again,
I wondered about the significance of keys in this dream I had recently. Im standing in my workplace behind the glass door and the man from my last dream in the white t-shirt is standing behind me with his daughter. The daughter walks up behind me and slips keys into my hand. im smiling but still facing my back to them, but in the dream I close my hand over the keys having a kind of understanding that it was for me. The daughter then stands with her dad and they both are watching me or looking – yet im just smiling contently holding the keys.
I am wondering why the daughter slips the keys to me and also the significance of the keys in this dream. The dream felt positive and the main aspects were the daughter and her slipping the keys into my hand. Also why would my back be turned to them.
Thank you so much!
My cell group member had a dream and she dreamt that she was in a crowd. Suddenly, an assailant with a gun was hunting for her to shoot her. She tried to duck and hide in the sea of people but did not manage to escape. The assailant managed to take aim and shot her. She felt the bullet hit her but did not feel any pain. As she was falling to the ground from the impact, she woke up in distress and was soaked in perspiration.
Based on the interpretation for a pretty similar dream above, is it correct to say that this is a warning dream that the enemy can easily zoom in on her weaknesses and make her fall?
Good to hear from you! Wondering if the assailant in the dream was a person known to the dreamer. Knowing the type of gun helps too. Someone shared one just last week much like this and these 2 things were key. No, that the enemy has a footing may not be the case. It wasn’t in the dream I am speaking of.
We’ve found it works better when the dreamer comments directly. Can you refer the person to the site… objects page? Thanks.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and respond about my dreams! Yes, I do have God’s favor. His presence is heavy in my life. I dream a lot! My large ministry would have to be my family. I am married with 7 sons and 2 stepsons. Even though we are a large family, our needs are met! I had this particular dream months ago and as I was writing it to you I started to think about all the ways God has been good to us. Last week we adopted a family for Christmas gifts to donate to. My husband and I also got a car for my son. That was not an easy thing to do but God is faithful!
I would love to be able to give more if I could! I’m waiting on something miraclulous from God right now. A home big enough for us as we have outgrown our current home. While I am waiting on this miracle I just keep praying, studying the word, and trying to be the best person I can be.
God Bless you and thank you!
Thanks for the feedback. We love getting to know you! Now to be more specific concerning your pot of gold dream. This is the ultimate find, right? Like the pearl of great price. So it looks like Jesus to me. So when you put that together with the little cars and the family, the dream seems to prophesy ministry. You are sharing ultimate truth with those who are called to hear your message. They, in turn, go out and share it with and/or minister to others [the cars]. The dream is to encourage you to go forth, as God will bless your ministry!
A few months ago I dreamed that I was walking along and saw a rainbow. I ran towards it and found a large pot of gold. I dug my hands in it and filled my pockets. I then started giving some to my family members who were standing around me. Some of the gold pieces were little toy cars. I gave some of them away as well. Any thoughts? Thank you!
I have read your dreams. Clearly you have the favor of God on you, and you will soon be moving to a higher place of leadership. I assume this is ministry leadership. You have a lot to give, and the Lord is directing your path. Keep forging ahead. It’s going to come together.
Tell me what you’re up to and we can share more. Excited for you and those you will bless!
Thank you for replying. I have been thinking about my purpose a lot lately and especially because I feel like I am always fighting and always have to fight, run and hide in order to protect myself. I’ve had a lot of similar dreams these past years.
Remember that God’s plan is that you are able to move forward boldly in the assignment He’s given you. Search your heart… what makes you sad, what makes you angry, what keeps you awake at night? Seems from this dream that somewhere within, you already know what you are supposed to do. God will guide you further as you take steps forward fearlessly!
hi can you please interpret this. I dreamt that a gunman came to my school and in a line he shot at us. I was still standing. he went for another round and I was still standing. in the dream I asked myself why am I still alive?
You, the dreamer, are the best interpreter of your dreams because you know what’s going on in your life. We can say that this dream does seem prophetic, that is, from God. Here’s what it looks like (not knowing anything about you). It looks as if God is telling you that the devil is perceiving more about YOU than you are. He knows that you are a threat to the kingdom of darkness and therefore would like to take you out. Meanwhile, you are not seeing that the Lord has put you here for a purpose. Perceive that purpose and get to it! God will be equipping, empowering, and blessing you. Please reply. Does this make sense given what’s going on in your life?
Can I ask you to interpret a dream please for me?.. I’m in my kitchen and I see my mother. I think my father was there. My mom gives me the sweetest longest hug ever and then in my ear says “get married”. All of a sudden everything goes dark and I see my ex on the stairs kissing someone else, and my family saying they’re supposed to get married? In anger I grab the girl and violently chop her up but when I see her, she’s not even human she a Barbie doll and my sister wants to know where she’s at. I forget what I said to my sister but I’m happy she gone and I wake up.. please help me understand this. I’m disturbed about this dream greatly..thank you
I don’t know your personal background on this dream nor your spiritual situation, so it’s not a slam dunk that this is a prophetic dream. And if it’s not from God, but is from your soul, it is of no use.
So much of this dream seems non-symbolic which is not typical of God, but the Barbie doll would typically be symbolic in a prophetic dream and would indicate that whatever or whoever you think your ex is hooking up with isn’t for real. Chopping her up just means you bad-mouth her in some way. See if this makes any sense to you.