Frequently Asked Questions about Sword & Spirit Seminary


Is this seminary accredited?
Sword & Spirit Seminary, a federal 501(c)(3), has been accredited by the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions since 2020. For further detail, visit SSS Accreditation or AAATI.
Can I take courses without pursuing a degree?

TCH501- Introduction to Eschatology is open to the public and can be taken without Sword & Spirit acceptance or enrollment. It is a free course.

Simply register for the site (free), go to FREE & PUBLIC COURSES, and click the link to start the course.

Additionally, you may be interested in exploring courses approved for credit by Sword & Spirit from External Institutions.

Visit for details on 15 Keys to Interpretation for Prophetic Dreamers and 88 Decoding Exercises for Prophetic Dreamers which we accept credit for in our Ministry of the Holy Spirit Department.

Visit for details on their US Constitution Course which we accept credit for in our Ethics & Leadership Department.

What makes Sword & Spirit Seminary distinctive?

EXCELLENCE & AFFORDABILITY‒ We believe that a diploma to hang on your wall is only the beginning of what you’re after… that you desire a solid foundation and first-rate ministry training to equip you for success in whatever ministry you pursue or continue, in order to effectively widen and deepen God’s Kingdom. In light of that, we consider our programs equivalent to those costing much more. If you are looking for quick-and-dirty seminary degrees which omit or only survey vital material, you won’t find that here.

SWORD & SPIRIT HONORED EQUALLY‒ We honor the Word of God and the Voice of God equally. When the Sword and the Spirit converge‒ the truth of the Holy Bible combines with the presence of the Holy Spirit, resulting in great spiritual power.

OUTSTANDING & DIVERSE CURRICULUM‒ Because the curriculum is the heart of the programs, our leadership team engaged in careful research with open minds to find the crème de la crème curriculum texts and authors in their fields. Overall, we would describe the courses as intellectually sound and spiritually challenging.

RELEVANT‒ We purposely emphasizes subject areas which enrollees tell us need shoring up or strengthening… such as World Religious Systems, Apologetics, Evangelism, Spiritual Freedom, Counseling, the Ministry of the Holy Spirit, and alternative Eschatological Perspectives.

Is there a commitment to diversity?

• SSS leadership team itself is diverse, comprised of not only of a variety of spiritual and denominational perspectives, but also meaningful ethic/racial diversity, including African-American personnel.

• The curriculum authors we have selected represent a wide range of academic institutions and hold a diversity of perspectives from within Christendom.

The classically and historically accepted core doctrines of the Christian faith are non-negotiable.

Beyond that, we’re committed to encouraging scholarly quests for truth in secondary and controversial areas of the faith in order to encourage critical thinking‒ at times, presenting opposing, alternative, or counter viewpoints for students to examine. This can be the case, for instance, in eschatology and women in ministry topics.

Our primary authors represent over 50 diverse educational institutions… institutions regarded as evangelical, traditional, charismatic, and even orthodox.

While a good deal of curriculum authors come from Evangelical-leaning scholars, the contributions of the Full-Gospel scholars also abound and are just as vital. The Biblical Interpretation and Preaching Department, for instance, includes a Presbyterian, two Full-Gospel scholars, a Woman, an African-American church pastor, and a number of Evangelicals.

• Again, we consider ourselves exceptional in that we believe in our studentsand in their ability to think critically. Exposure to differing secondary theological interpretations allows students the freedom to form their own views on topics such as Dispensationalism, the Voice of God Today, End-time Prophecy, Rapture Timing, Calvinism vs Arminianism, Egalitarian vs Complementarian… and then thoughtfully support their theological conclusions.

What if I Haven't Earned a Bachelor’s Degree?

Sword & Spirit Seminary features a MDiv Bridge Program for students who have not yet earned a Bachelor Degree and would like to earn a Master of Divinity.

Similar programs are in place at institutions like Loyola University, Boston University, Penn State, Pepperdine and Johns Hopkins titled with terms such as Integrated, Accelerated, Dual or Combined with additional course requirements and some courses earning dual credit.

The Sword & Spirit Seminary BRIDGE program for students without Bachelor degrees requires students to take 4 courses totaling 12 credits prior to registering for the Master’s Thesis project.

Two of the textbooks in this program are required REFERENCE BOOKS for the Degree Completion Department, and one is required for BIP501‒ Biblical Interpretation: Hermeneutics.

One of the courses‒ BK404- Books of the Bible Survey‒ is also available as an elective in the MDiv & DMin programs for students bypassing the MDiv Bridge Program.

Could your degree programs be too difficult for me?

Our goal is that men and women of God from all walks of life can succeed at comprehending and retaining the concepts and materials presented in our educational degree programs, and successfully complete the programs in a realistic time-frame.

Skills needed are standard reading comprehension and ability to study for passing quizzes and and ability to post comments on forums. Within the few homework assignments, composition ability is needed for writing short sermons, the Master’s Thesis, and the Doctorate Dissertation (sufficient instruction included).

To help students succeed, course units provide study guides conveying what to expect in quizzes. Quiz results are provided upon quiz completions, and quiz questions are repeated in midterms and finals.

Each course is provided a code to help identify its level of difficulty E= Easy, C= Comfortable, R= Rigorous. And we are always happy to advise students individually.


Can I get credit for life experience or non-accredited courses?

We believe that life experience can be exponentially more educational than ‘book-learnin’. On the other hand, there are topics not only relevant, but critical to ministering biblically, effectively, and powerfully. Our graduate programs are designed to equip ministers soundly and thoroughly. And we want students to be challenged and proud of what they have achieved.

For those reasons, we allow a limited number of credits for documented courses taken within churches and other ministries, exceptional life experience, and pastoral and ministry experience.

• Our Master of Divinity Program allows up to 20 credits for any combination of documented unaccredited coursework, pastoral ministry, missionary work, and exceptional life experience (per compatibility). Administrative fees apply.

• Our Doctorate of Ministries Program allows up to 15 credits for any combination of documented unaccredited coursework, pastoral ministry, missionary work, and exceptional life experience (per compatibility). Administrative fees apply.

Sword & Spirit Seminary accepts transfer credits from other accredited seminaries for either graduate program‒ up to 30 credits in the MDiv program, and up to 20 credits in the DMin program (per compatibility). Administrative transfer fees apply.

We contact students during the enrollment process to inquire as to whether any of these are applicable.

Are the courses offered in TERMS (semesters) & on specific days and times?

No need to set aside specific times of day to attend classes. You choose the time of day in which to do your course-work.

Additionally, we do NOT limit students to terms or semesters for 3 reasons:

1. We feel it’s important to allow students flexibility in determining their schedule and setting their own pace. Some students want to complete programs expediently. For others, working in courses a few at a time fits better within their other responsibilities.

2. We want to save you tuition… especially if you are moving at a lea surely but consistent pace!

  • Standard seminary practice is to charge a set tuition amount per semester, in which students can take a range of credit hours. Should students want to take less courses per semester, they will STILL pay the same tuition amount.
  • Liberty University, for instance, charges $2750 per semester, allowing students to take 9-12 credit hours. Students who take 9 credit hours per semester will pay tuition for 5 semesters. Should a student want to go at a slower pace, the cost could increase exponentially. This cannot happen at SSS.

3. Should a life-altering event take place for a student, course-work can be put on hold temporarily without negative consequences.

    What are the courses like?

    Most courses require textbooks which students are asked to purchase on-line through the Amazon links on our site. Some books may be available for check out from a nearby public or seminary library (non-student library cards are sometimes available at local seminaries).

    We continue to work on supplying study-aids and guidelines to help students understand what to look for when reading.

    Beyond that, some courses utilize video-lessons, PowerPoints, or standard text material.

    QUIZZES and FINALS are auto-corrected. In order to keep costs down, assignments requiring instructor response are limited to curriculum for which mentoring is particularly helpful, such as within the Biblical Interpretation and Preaching and Counseling and Transformation department. Forums are more often utilized, for example, than assignments.

    Each course has it’s own evaluation component grid. Grading scale is generous. Less than 60% gernerally requires a course retake to obtain credit (not documented on transcript). Administrative fees apply.

    How long does it take to earn a Master of Divinity?

    You choose your pace. Completion of MDiv may take 18-24 months or more depending several factors including whether you are working as a full or part time student, and whether you are bring previous coursework into the program.


    What is acceptance into SSS based on, and how do I apply?

    Acceptance into the seminary is solely based on submission of contact information/geographic location and verifications of educational status and personal character.

    Additional information about students is asked only AFTER acceptance, during the enrollment process so we can get to know each student as an individual.

    • Required documents consist of college transcripts for students who earned Associate’s or Bachelor’s Degrees or have taken college courses… as well as at least one reference letter. These can be scanned and uploaded (preferred) or mailed directly from educational institutions or letter authors (slower).

    Applicants unable to submit transcripts expediently at the time of application are asked to submit a copy of their college diploma (if applicable and possible) for initial educational status verification. Transcripts are only required as solid educational status verification, with grades ignored.

    Applicants for our Bridge Program WITHOUT college credits are asked to upload proof of GED or High School graduation. Exceptions are possible.

    How did you arrive at the costs for the programs?

    Aware that countless men and women of God around the world have been held back from fullness in ministry due to lack of training (often times, because of the expense), we have sought to bring educational opportunity at the most bare-bones budget possible… a fraction of the cost of similar degrees elsewhere.

    As a non-profit organization, by utilizing today’s technology, and by looking to curriculum authors for primary guidance; we are delighted to be able to offer relevant, intellectually-sound and spiritually-challenging curriculum.

    How do I fund my seminary education?

    After an applicant receives email notification of acceptance into one of the programs, applicants enroll according to enrollment instructions.

    Enrollment consists of paying the $100 ENROLLMENT FEE. There are additional Adnministrative fees for transfer students.

    Courses are selected and paid for individually on demand as students progress in a program.


    Are any of the Doctorate Courses Available as MDiv Electives?

    Yes. The 2 distinctive DMin REQUIRED COURSES are available to be taken as MDiv Electives.

    • *EL601‒ Contemporary Biblical Ethics (DMin required)‒ R-4
    • *CT601‒ Deliverance Counseling Foundations (DMin required)‒ E-4
    Is there a social aspect?

    Community and social interaction are promoted initially through the Forum Topic Discussions included in some of the courses. Additional interaction possibilities are under consideration.

    We are currently considering a feature that will allow students to acquire “friends” to individually chat with within the seminary site. These would be able to be maintained after graduation as well.

    What if I earn more credits than required for my MDiv or DMin?

    The credit-hours that exceed the 72 required in the Master of Divinity Degree roll over into the Doctorate of Ministries program. And, some DMin required courses are available to MDiv student (to be replaced by electives if they go on to earn a Doctorate).

    We are delighted to see ministers with a thirst for the things of God. Therefore, those who have earned both Master of Divinity and Doctorate of Ministries enjoy substantial alumni discounts on the purchase of further courses, which may add supplemental certifications.