Welcome to the Prophetic Dreamers Dictionary

Our robust dictionary‒ the centerpiece of our membership‒ is unique in that it’s based more on tangible facts than on unproven or invalidated theories. Vetted through 20 years of research into thousands and thousands of dreams and interpretation feedback‒ dictionary entries have been developed through an individualized combination of facts of nature and science, universal symbolism acceptance, historical symbolism consistency, cultural and geographical distinctives, current and historical events and advancements, symbolism in scripture, and literary devises. The ever-expanding dictionary offers concise entries to foster your element decoding skills in various dream contexts. Includes 21 categories, 122 subcategory-sections, 1700+ entries, 1100+ classic proper names.

Each of the 21 Dictionary Categories Contain Subcategory-Sections



Here’s What the Subcategory Section Pages Look Like

The 122 Dictionary Sections Include These Heading Components

Category Name


Important Category Description

Section (subcategory) Name

Section Description

Important SECTION Information

List of Elements in Section

List and # of Elements in SECTION

Element Complexity, Symbolism Possibilities, and Positive or Negative Charges
Included within Element Boxes
↓ Click Links for Details ↓

Dream Element Boxes

Single Package Icon
“One Most Likely Option”

Multiple Package Icon
“Several Possibilities.”

Dream Element Example
Dream Element Example
• Semi-Complex Element
• One Possibility Likely
• Most Likely Positive

• Symbolism Possibility

• Symbolism Possibility

Dream Element Example
• Complex Element
• Several Possibilities
• Most Likely Negative

• Symbolism Possibility

• Symbolism Possibility

• Symbolism Possibility

Though your prophetic dreams may be as fragile as bubbles, and as challenging as riddles‒
they are brilliant gifts from above. Value them. Scrutinize them. Make sense of them. Follow them.

Related Dreams




In addition to element symbolism, dream interpretation is based on a myriad of factors which should be considered before drawing conclusions. All dictionary entries are for suggestion and training purposes only, and we cannot guarantee that the information in this post directly applies to your particular dreams. We believe, however, that we do an exceptional job of vetting dictionary entries through actual dream fulfillment and feedback.

Though your prophetic dreams may be as fragile as bubbles, and as challenging as riddles‒
they are brilliant gifts from above. Value them. Scrutinize them. Make sense of them. Follow them.

Our robust dictionary‒ the centerpiece of our membership‒ is unique in that it’s based more on tangible facts than on unproven or invalidated theories. Vetted through 20 years of research into thousands and thousands of dreams and interpretation feedback‒ dictionary entries have been developed through an individualized combination of facts of nature and science, universal symbolism acceptance, historical symbolism consistency, cultural and geographical distinctives, current and historical events and advancements, symbolism in scripture, and literary devises. The ever-expanding dictionary offers concise entries to foster your element decoding skills in various dream contexts. Includes 21 categories, 122 subcategory-sections, 1700+ entries, 1100+ classic proper names.