CLSP501‒ The Transformative Indwelling Spirit

Required for MDiv― 4 credits. Lab Fee Applies. No Prerequisite.

We introduce the subject of Biblical Interpretation by gaining perspective through the eyes of a couple of brilliant minds on the subject, Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart, who bring us profoundly significant material.

This course serves as an outstanding and solid foundation for the understanding how to read and study the Bible for accurate interpretation. After concise and clear instruction on exegesis and textual criticism, the course focuses on hermeneutics and how its principles differ in different genres.

Old Testament genres include Hebrew Historical Narratives, The Law, The Prophets, The Psalms, and The Wisdom Books. New Testament genres include Epistles and Letters, Historical Narratives, Acts, The Gospels, The Parables, and The Revelation.

This course supplies enough material to put you significantly ahead of the pack when it comes to conscientious Bible Interpretation and will prepare you well for other courses in this department. It is rigorous, but provisions are included to help you score excellent marks.


Textbook may be available at local seminaries for non-student checkout to those who purchase library cards (contact a local seminary for details).

CTSP502‒ Freedom in Christ

Required for MDiv― 4 credits. Prerequisite: CT503― Cessationism vs. Continuism

Scripture calls us to spiritual maturity yet we continue to see childlike behavior among the Christians we know and we behave in ways we ourselves often regret.

What is it that keeps us from living without regret and experiencing real freedom in Christ?

As our spiritual life forms and builds, we may be unaware of the process started in childhood which steals our ability to truly put into practice what we learn about living in Christ. By understanding this process, we can overcome negative thoughts, irrational feelings and habitual sins.

Through personal introspection and knowing who we are in Him, we can experience real transformation with the help of the Holy Spirit. This study will not only be helpful to you personally, but profoundly effective in your ministry to others.

Textbook: Victory over the Darkness, Neil T. Anderson, 2000, 239 pages, paperback

CTSP503‒ Redemption from Tyrannical Inner Roots

Elective for MDiv or DMin― 3 credits. No prerequisite. The concepts presented in this course have been utilized in counseling centers for many years with phenomenal results.

The course is based on a book which has sold over 3 million copies which incorporates both biblical principles and principles of psychology. You will find this study will not only be helpful to you personally, but will profoundly affect your ministry to others.

Without physically sitting across the room from a counselor, you are able to experience the transformation of personal introspection as related to your own development and as related to the truth of the scripture and the character of God.

Textbook: The Search For Significance: Seeing Your True Worth Through God’s Eyes, Robert S. McGee, 2003, 337 pages, Paperback, Amazon Prime $15.60, used from $1.59 + shipping.

CTSP504‒ Cessationism vs. Continuism

Elective for MDiv or DMin― 3 credits. No prerequisite.

This course focuses on the controversy between: those who believe the revelatory gifts of the Spirit of God ceased with the death of the original apostles and closing of the biblical canon… and those who believe they experience those gifts on a regular basis.

While much of the evangelic community has been taught that the prophetic gifts are no longer in operation, much of the full-gospel community embrace the gifts with scant knowledge of biblical or historical evidence for doing so. And with so much misrepresentation and abuse within the charismatic realm, many believers are turned off or freaked out by the supposed operation of prophetic spiritual gifts.

But what does the Bible actually have to say about it? What do the historical church fathers say? In this course, you will explore whether what believers today are attributing to the Holy Spirit may be truly prophetic or just pathetic.

CTSP601‒ Christian Counseling Theology & Methods

CTSP602‒ Deliverance Counseling Foundations & Practice

Required for MDiv― 3 credits. Prerequisite: TC501― Freedom in Christ.

The first half of the book serves as curriculum for this course: The Foundation of Deliverance Ministry.

The last half of the book serves as reference material for TC601: The Practice of Deliverance Ministry.

Textbook: Healing through Deliverance: The Foundation and Practice of Deliverance Ministry, Peter Horribin, 2008, 584 pages, Hardcover, Amazon (Prime) from $26.90, no shipping fee.

Every single one of us have been affected by rejection, trauma, pressure, disappointment, or loss… often during childhood. These experiences have shaped our spiritual state and faith; and if left unresolved, leave dark clouds over particular aspects of our lives which affect our degrees of success, whether we realize it or not.

This course gives you a chance for introspection and to begin working through issues which could be affecting your ministry, let alone your family and associations. You will enjoy the one-on-one counseling ministry of Dr. Kay Krattli.

Introspective intake survey will be available online. Counseling provided through phone or Skype.