TCH501‒ Introduction to Eschatology

This course includes all videos and course materials, over 300 quiz questions, optional FORUM interaction, and a 70% score to pass.

Required for MDiv― 3 credits. *FREE COURSE: register for the site & take. No Prerequisite.
Non-IUS students may choose to bypass the quizzes.
Course may be re-accessed or retaken as many times as desired.

Understanding the End Time

Ignite University and Seminary is excited to announce that Dr. Irvin Baxter of End Time Ministries has graciously allowed us to offer his 14-lesson Understanding the End Time series to you free of charge (a $159 value).

Understanding End Time Curriculum— 14 HOUR-LENGTH VIDEO LESSONS:

United States Discovered in the Bible • New World Order is World Government • Islam in Bible Prophecy– The Four Horsemen
• WWIII– Entrance Ramp for the Antichrist • Israel’s God-Given Destiny • Israel– God’s Prophetic Time Clock • Holy Roman Empire Reborn
• The Antichrist and the False Prophet • 666– Mark of the Beast • The Coming One-World Religion– Part 1
• The Coming One-World Religion– Part 2 • The 7 Trumpets • The Second Coming • Kingdom of God.

For further details on this course, visit Understanding the Endtime at Endtime Ministries.

Click START COURSE to begin FREE course!

Site Registration Required
School Enrollment NOT Required

TCH502‒ Introduction to Classic Christian Theology

Required for MDiv or DMin― 3 credits. No prerequisite.

TCH503‒ Overview of Church History

Elective for MDiv or DMin― 3 credits. No Prerequisite.

Knowledge of the key events and people in our Christian history really shouldn’t be optional, because the stories of the faithfulness of God’s people and the faithfulness of God are uniquely inspiring and provide unequaled perspective for our lives and the times we live in.

The challenge, however, is finding a resource which proves engaging by making the stories come alive, yet condensed into one manageable course. Problem solved via Timothy Paul Jones.

There’s no doubt you will benefit from as well as enjoy the book and the accompanying videos. A must-take course that’s not required.

TCH504‒ Jerusalem: The Contested City

Elective for MDiv or DMin― 2 credits. Prerequisite TCH501― Understanding the End Time.

Did you know that Jerusalem was so esteemed as the headquarters of Jewish worship that in the time of Jesus, the fiancée of a Jerusalem citizen had to pay their weight in gold to qualify for marriage? The city of Jerusalem is not only greatly esteemed, but greatly contested. We require this course because we should understand what’s behind the city and nation that God demands we bless (Gen 12:3; Num 4:29).

The State of Israel and its very right to exist is a lynchpin issue not only in the Middle-East, but is a critical issue to the world at large. Whether it is the blatant and stated desire of ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, or Iran to wipe Israel from the face of the earth, or the more subtle but equally insidious aim to delegitimize Israel’s existence through efforts at UNESCO, the goal is the same-to get rid of Israel.

This topic is vital to understand in our times. Allow a Jewish Christian attorney who argues before the Supreme Court to plea his case for the state and capitol of Israel to you… and in the process, experience critical thinking at its best.

Textbook: Jerusalem: A Biblical and Historical Case for the Jewish Capital, Jay Sekulow , 2018, 338 pages, Hardback, Amazon Prime $15.86.

TCH505‒ God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Free Will

Elective for MDiv or DMin― 3 credits. No prerequisite.

TCH506‒ Catholicism Under the Hood for Protestants

Elective for MDiv or DMin― 3 credits. No prerequisite.

TCH507‒ The Women in Ministry Controversy

Elective for MDiv or DMin― 4 credits. No prerequisite.

TCH508‒ Historic Premillennialism

Elective for MDiv or DMin― 2 credits. No Prerequisite.

Many evangelical, having learned the basics of eschatology from popular authors and broadcasters, accept dispensational premillennialism, with its distinctive teachings about the pretribulation rapture of the church.

This course takes students deeper by examining the historical understanding of the end times and the return of Christ, that is, the view widely prevalent throughout church history. The contributors, all respected scholars in their respective fields, suggest that classic premillennialism provides a coherent and viable approach to understanding eschatology.

Their studies, which examine eschatology from biblical, theological, historical, and missiological approaches, provide a broadly accessible argument for returning to the perspectives of historic premillennial eschatology.

Textbook: A Case for Historic Premillennialism, Craig L Blomberg, 2009 edition, 184 pages, Hardback, Amazon Prime $26.00, Kindle $10.49.