MDiv Bridge Program

‒ Master of Divinity without BA‒

Required Coursework- 12 Credits
Elective Coursework- 0 Credits

Courses Must Be Completed Prior to MASTER THESIS Registration

Non-Bridge Students May Take BKBR404 as an Elective

BRIDGE402 & BRIDG403 Textbooks Required as Reference Books for Degree Completion


• BRIDGE401‒ Critical Thinking Essentials‒ E-3

• BRIDGE402‒ Clarity & Power in Written Expression‒ E-3

• BRIDGE403‒ Structure & Conventions in Written Expression‒ E-3

• BK404‒ Books of the Bible Survey‒ E-3

Sword & Spirit Seminary features a BRIDGE PROGRAM for students who have not yet earned a BA but would like to earn a MDiv.

Similar programs are in place at institutions like Loyola University, Boston University, Penn State, Pepperdine and Johns Hopkins titled with terms such as Integrated, Accelerated, Dual or Combined with additional course requirements and some courses earning dual credit.