MDiv Bridge Program

‒ Master of Divinity without BA‒

Required Coursework- 12 Credits
Elective Coursework- 0 Credits

Courses Must Be Completed Prior to Taking MDiv Courses

BRIDGE402 & 403 Textbooks Required as Reference Books for Degree Completion


• BRIDGE401‒Sharpening Your Reading Skills‒ C-3

• BRIDGE402‒ Critical Thinking Essentials‒ C-3

• BRIDGE403‒ Power & Clarity in Written Expression‒ C-3

• BRIDGE404‒ Putting It All Together: Final Submissions & Essay‒ C-3

Sword & Spirit Seminary features a BRIDGE PROGRAM for students who have not yet earned a BA but would like to earn a MDiv.

Similar programs are in place at institutions like Loyola University, Boston University, Penn State, Pepperdine and Johns Hopkins titled with terms such as Integrated, Accelerated, Dual or Combined with additional course requirements and some courses earning dual credit.

BRIDGE401‒ Sharpening Your Reading Skills

Required for Bridge Program― 3 credits. No Prerequisite.

Excellent reading comprehension is essential for ease and success in academic endeavors such as seminary completion, yet many of us may have not been provided the tools and techniques needed to excel in reading.

This course is designed to bridge this gap by introducing and explaining how to succeed in the various levels of reading—from elementary reading, through systematic skimming and inspectional reading, to speed reading.

Students will learn when and how to “judge a book by its cover,” X-ray it, read it critically, and extract what’s inside. 

BRIDGE402‒ Critical Thinking Essentials

Required for Bridge Program― 3 credits. Prerequisite: BRIDGE401‒ Sharpening Your Reading Skills.

Did you know that 93% of CEOs agree that this skill is MORE IMPORTANT than your college degree? Critical thinking has driven countless major innovations in human history. It took a critical thinker to disprove that the world was flat. A study called “It Takes More Than a Employer Priorities for College Learning and Student Success” found that 93% of business leaders agreed “a demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly, and solve complex problems is more important than [a candidate’s] undergraduate major.

So, what is critical thinking? Basically, it’s independent thinking leading to making Intelligent decisions. Educational systems don’t generally teach it, but critical thinking is essential for ministry, especially when it comes to acceptance of doctrines, leadership and counseling. It’s therefore a relevant course to take as a BRIDGE course.

BRIDGE403‒ Power & Clarity in Written Expression

Required for Bridge Program― 3 credits. Prerequisite: BRIDGE402‒ Critical Thinking Essentials.

You could say that this course provides tips & tricks for power & clarity in writing. Cutting through the overwhelming details, this course provides sound advice and timeless insights by presenting only the most common and necessary fundamental priciples in easy-to-understand language.

Whether you need to write a homework paper for a course, compose your master’s thesis or doctorate dissertation, this minimalist approach provides students not only the tools, but the confidence to do so.. and do so with style, clarity and power.

BRIDGE404‒ Putting It All Together: Final Submission & Essay

Required for Bridge Program― 3 credits. Prerequisite: BRIDGE403‒ Power & Clarity in Written Expression.

After students have studied reading comprehension, critical thinking and composition… they are ready to demonstrate the skills they have gained by writing and submitting an opinion essay for evaluation.

Students will select a topic from within the textbook required for LEC501‒ Ministerial Leadership & Ethics and receive feedback from a professor on their work.