Sword & Spirit Seminary Free Course
Open to the Public


3 Credit-Hours Awarded for Sword & Spirit Seminary Students

Introduction to Eschatology

Dr. Irvin Baxter of End Time Ministries ‒prior to his death‒ graciously gave us permission
to offer his 14-lesson Understanding the End Time series to you free of charge (a $159 value).

Understanding the End Time Curriculum— 14 HOUR-LENGTH VIDEO LESSONS

United States Discovered in the Bible • New World Order is World Government •
• Islam in Bible Prophecy– The Four Horsemen • WWIII– Entrance Ramp for the Antichrist •
• Israel’s God-Given Destiny • Israel– God’s Prophetic Time Clock • Holy Roman Empire Reborn •
• The Antichrist and the False Prophet • 666– Mark of the Beast • The Coming One-World Religion– Part 1 •
• The Coming One-World Religion– Part 2 • The 7 Trumpets • The Second Coming • Kingdom of God •


Seminary enrollment not required. Just register for the this site to access the course.

Jerusalem Prophecy College

At an EndTime seminar in Colorado Springs, CO, Dr. Baxter gave us permission in person to make his course-series “Understanding The Endtime” available to our students at no charge.
His only stipulation was that we promote his Jerusalem Prophecy College.

“Jerusalem Prophecy College is an outreach effort of Endtime Ministries to educate the people of Israel and globally regarding the link between current events and Bible prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled. Our world is now entering the time of more prophetic fulfillment than has ever taken place in the history of mankind. Many of the events prophesied for the times just ahead will occur in Israel and in the city of Jerusalem. While many Jews in Israel are intensely interested in the prophecies of the scriptures, millions of people worldwide need to have a better understanding of the times in which we live and the unquestionable link to Bible prophecy.”